$ 1.6 million in registered income per family physician

$ 1.6 million in registered income per family physician

A Laval family doctor raised more than $ 1.6 million last year, the largest amount ever paid to RAMQ.

The epidemic did not have a negative effect on the productivity of this physician, who was billed for $ 1,641,746 in 2020, according to Rocky DL Insurance Maladi to Quebec (RAMQ) data.

Also, this is the largest amount ever charged to a general practitioner, confirmed in RAMQ Magazine.

In 2019, a Laval doctor won $ 1,631,777, but the secrecy prevents him from knowing that he is the same professional.

In total, 15 general practitioners earned more than $ 1 million in 2020.

This is an amazing return compared to the average of $ 271,881 in the previous year. In 2019 there were more millionaires, however, with 19.

According to the F desdration des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ), these physicians are exceptional cases and work more than 80 hours per week.

“They have to see a lot of patients [pour en arriver là], Its chairman dR. Louis Codin. They are more available. ”

Ten family physicians won over $ 900,000 last year.

These amounts include all income (bonuses, actions, overtime).

Some office expenses should be deducted. Performs RAMQ checks to ensure pay is consistent.

Remote Bay

According to the FMOQ, it pays more to treat the very sick than simple cases without an appointment.

During epidemics, up to half of the frontline consultations were done over the phone over the distance.

“The doctor can do a lot in a day. He does not have to travel. Those who want to work harder will earn money,” said Rockies Place, a professor at the University of Montreal School of Public Health.

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Experts believe this revenue raises questions about the rates of other employees and practices of the health network.

“There’s an imbalance,” Blaise says. Compared to the physicians who worked on the phone, against the efforts of other professionals who were at the forefront, we can ask ourselves: Did we get the value of our money? “

“We have a limited budget. We give what we give to doctors and nowhere else,” says Mouth Laberge, who specializes in health policies at Laval University.

Millionaire dictators

  • Laval Doctor – 1 641 746 $
  • Montreal Doctor – 1 529 191 $
  • Outhouse doctor1 199 873 $
  • Montreal doctor1 156 230 $
  • Montessori doctor – 1 139 689 $
  • Doctor of Code-Nord1 138 892 $
  • Montreal doctor1 133 120 $
  • Montreal doctor1 125 703 $
  • Doctor of Sagune-Lock-Saint-Jean1 120 845 $
  • Laurence doctor1 099 925 $
  • Boss-Saint-Laurent Dr1 098 199 $
  • Physician of Nord-to-Quebec 1 045 269 $
  • Montessori doctor1 042 312 $
  • AbDB-Demiscamming Physician1 029 804 $
  • Doctor of Code-Nord1 026 334 $

557 family physicians earned more than $ 500,000 by 2020 (753 in 2019)

Source: RAMQ, 2020

About ten medical professionals in Quebec have won more than $ 2 million in 2019.

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