10 more deaths in Quebec

10 more deaths in Quebec

Quebec has 1,288 patients in its hospitals positive for COVID-19, of which 36 patients are in intensive care.

In addition, 10 deaths are included in the balance sheet.

Situation in Quebec as of May 27, 2022

– 1,064,331 people affected (+ 590 *)

– 15,400 deaths (+10)

– 1288 people have been admitted to the hospital

* 61 posts

* 88 publications

– 36 people are in intensive care

* 3 inputs

* 10 publications

– 11,733 samples were taken

– 212,368 self-declared quick tests so far including 174,089 positive: 191 including 162 positive were reported yesterday.

– 9,702 doses were added, i.e. 9,416 in the last 24 hours and 286 before May 26, giving a total of 19,881,896 doses in Quebec.

– Outside Quebec, a total of 334,955 doses were administered, with a total of 20,216,851 doses received by Quebecs.

* The number of cases listed does not represent the situation as access to screening centers is primarily for clients only.

Number of cases based on region

Lower St. Lawrence: 20,682

Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: 30,281

National capital: 88,245

Morrissey and Center-to-Quebec: 58,744

Eastern cities: 49,528

Montreal: 308 322

Outside: 39,676

Abitibi-Timiscamingue: 10,908

North Bank: 8563

Northern Quebec: 1490

Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine: 9044

Saudier-Appalachian: 61,118

Laval: 71,338

Lanaudiere: 69,619

Laurentians: 79,141

Montreux: 148,748

Nunavic: 3007

Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 2938

Unknown: 0

Outside Quebec: 2939

Across Quebec: 1,064,331

See also  Govit-19 in Quebec: Wearing a mask will be a personal choice, says Dr. Boylev

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