100 million Canadians by 2100: No Ottawa for “Initiative of the Century”

100 million Canadians by 2100: No Ottawa for “Initiative of the Century”

In an update sent to several media outlets, including Radio-Canada, the federal immigration minister’s office reaffirmed its decision-making authority over the number of immigrants it wants to welcome into the country, rejecting the influence of a leading Toronto lobby group listed. 2021 on the lobbyist registry.

The ideas of the century initiative did not set government policy. The government disagrees with the results of the Century Initiative and does not aim to increase Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100.Minister Sean Fraser’s office said.

These limits were set based on Canada’s interests, not in response to the whims of an independent committee. »

A quote A report from the Office of the Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

The federal government announced last November that it wants to welcome 500,000 immigrants a year by 2025, but has remained vague on long-term goals. Ambiguity has raised doubts about the influence of the Century Initiative in defining Canada’s immigration boundaries, a particularly contentious issue in Quebec.

Sean Fraser’s office says the immigration targets are effective Population shortages and significant labor shortages across Canada. The aging of the population is also a decisive factor: Fifty years ago, there were seven workers for every pension. Today we are three to one, and within 15 years it will be two to one.Mr. Fraser argues.

A push for sovereignty

For Yves-François Blanchet, leader of the Bloc Québécois, immigration limits in Ottawa threaten the future of the French language and only accelerate the reflection on sovereignty.

This debate about allocating all the way, ironically, was opened by Canada or by a few intellectuals in a tower in Toronto: “No, no, you see, we’re going to do the same, there, we’re going to break them, Quebecers, once and for all, it will be solved”. “Well, that’ll be over soon,” Quebecers might be saying to themselves.Mr. Blanchett said Thursday.

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From his point of view, the federal goal is too simple The population of the French nation of Quebec is likely to weaken and disappear. she Food for thought of Quebecers on Independence, and The process is acceleratedThe sovereigntist argues that his party on Thursday devoted to debate a motion condemning the aims of the initiative of the century.

Asked Wednesday about Quebec’s weight in Canada and the possible effects on its political representation in the House of Commons, Mr. Trudeau responded. Obstacles Between Quebec and Ottawa.

For his part, François Legault said on Tuesday there was no question of adopting the approach [de l’Initiative du siècle] On the development of immigration.

New environment

A plan to dramatically increase immigration limits described in the General Statement (new window) initiative of the century, For a Canada that thinks big. It is noted that Quebec has not kept pace with population growth in the rest of the country and the province It risks losing its importance within the federation.

The pressure group argues that the Canada-Quebec immigration deal is a particularly targeted deal. Protect Quebec’s population weight within Canada and ensure the integration of immigrants into the province respecting its unique characterSince 1991, more than three decades, the demographic and economic situation of Quebec and Canada significantly changed.

According to the same organization, measures aimed at increasing the weight of Canada’s population Against current political forces that reflect widespread skepticismAn idea that the initiative of the century fought to dispel.

With information from Romain Schué and The Canadian Press

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