3rd link: Legault urges Montrealers to stop “looking down” on Quebec and Lévis people.

3rd link: Legault urges Montrealers to stop “looking down” on Quebec and Lévis people.

Trapped on television by Bernard Trinville’s report on the third link, François Legault attacked Montrealers who opposed his subway plan, saying, according to him, they “look down” on the people of Quebec and Lévis.

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“The people of Montreal need to stop looking down on the people of Quebec and then the people of Lévis,” said Chief Cacquist, who, like other leaders, gave a live thirty-minute interview on Radio-Canada Sunday evening.

Pressed by questions from the hosts, among other things, his main promise, François Legault tried to qualify a controversial statement launched last Friday in Lévis, Bernard Drainville, his star candidate.

“Leave me with the GHGs,” the former journalist snapped during a press conference on the CAQ’s promise on health.

“You have to put the statement in context. He was told: “How can you be for the environment and the third link?”. This is where Bernard said: “Leave me with GHGs”, “Mr. Legault explained.

But actually, Mr. Before Trineville intervened, the question put to him that day was whether the party in power wanted to clarify its plan with new information by October 3.

In this case, François Legault, on the airwaves of Radio-Canada, explained that due to the new reality of teleworking, one of the consequences of the pandemic, the data available to the government is “out of date”.

“The numbers have to be updated. We can’t come up with numbers that are no longer good,” Mr. Legault said.

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But despite what the studies say, “to me, there’s evidence that we need a third link,” he insisted, adding that building two bridges back-to-back is a bad idea.

“There will be less congestion, including public transport,” the CAQ chief believes.

“The question that remains: do we want to demolish Île d’Orléans or do we want a tunnel?” By opposing his plan proposed by Eric Duheim’s Conservative Party, Mr. Legault summed it up.

In turn, the Liberal leader reiterated that the Quebec tramway should go to Lévis in the third phase of network development. According to studies, the infrastructure will end in a tunnel or a bridge.me Anglet on Chef’s Evening on Radio-Canada.

However, at the end of the section, the chef confirmed that the studies could confirm the ineffectiveness of the third link to place the tram.

Will the results of the studies be nothing? “School related,” she replied. “But there may be a way to ensure traffic goes to Levi’s.”

Mme Anglade assures that reducing traffic in Quebec is necessary, but the plan is “scientific”.

In collaboration with Nicholas Lachance, Parliamentary Office

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