80 killed by stab wounds: “Meli lost the best years of her life”, her aunt testified

80 killed by stab wounds: “Meli lost the best years of her life”, her aunt testified

The family of little Mellie, 6, who was killed by her mother in December 2020 with 80 stab wounds, had an emotional week at the trial of Stephanie Prozoit, who pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter.

• Read more: Girl murdered with 80 stab wounds: Mother pleads guilty to reduced charges

In an interview on the program “Dossiers en cours” with Jean-François Guerin, the girl’s aunt bravely testified in honor of her memory.

Manuela Pires has only good words for Mellie.

“Mali, she is a very quiet girl […] She had an old soul somewhere, she was a child with a great vocabulary. She was calm and quiet. She had such a joy in living this little girl, it was incredible,” he noted.

Current cases

Before little Mellie was murdered, Stephanie Prozoit was not in a relationship with the child’s father.

The Department of Youth Protection (DPJ) got involved in the case as the accused was a regular drug user, but the mother agreed that she could still take care of the child.

Current cases

Before the murder, Mali’s aunt was unaware of the DPJ’s involvement in the case.

“We didn’t know DPJ was in the file. We found out later […] He was the elder who condemned the mother along with the maternal grandmother,” he said.

Manuela wonders why her sister is unaware of DYP’s intervention. According to his testimony, his sister was with Mellie “90% of the time.”

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Mrs. Byers would have liked the organization’s staff to visit her sister, who is often in charge of the child.

When asked about the relationship between Maélie and her mother, Manuela Pires confirmed that she is not afraid of her.

The girl was often cared for by her grandmother or even Manuela’s sister, especially during epidemics.

Stephanie Prosoit avoided prison by pleading guilty to a manslaughter charge.

Manuela was stunned to see the woman escape this way, but the details of the murder shocked her.

“We don’t know [pour les 80 coups de couteau]. Imagination […] The terror she experienced from the person who was supposed to protect her, the person she was supposed to trust. The little girl who was alone in the house of the monster! It is unfathomable,” he says in a blood-curdling story.

Against her will, Mali’s aunt confronts the horror of the crime scene.

“There [mère] She broke the door and tore the entire door […] Only option [Maélie] Had to fend for themselves, they were bloody ‘barbies’.”

While being transported to the hospital, Prozoit made several declarations on several occasions that he had killed his daughter and that she was mentally ill.

“Mali will not be the last victim […] Maélie has lost the best years of her life”, regretfully admits Manuela, who denounces that those accused of murder have reduced their sentences due to drug addiction.

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