85% of Quebec goes to the Yellow Zone on Monday | Corona virus

85% of Quebec goes to the Yellow Zone on Monday |  Corona virus

Who turns yellow?

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent areas that do not already exist
  • Capitol-National
  • Sadier-Appalachians
  • Est
  • Lonadier
  • Laurentites
  • Laval
  • Manderaki
  • Montreal
  • Outdoors

As for parts of Quebec that were not affected by the alarm level change, we see that it was already yellow or green.

Any area that was already yellow will not turn green. The existing Pass-Saint-Laurent areas of Sagune and Mauritius – center-to-Quebec are on the same level.

With regard to Abbott-Demiskaming, Cote-Nord, Caspian – Else de-la-Madeleine and northern Quebec, they retain their green color.

Indoor and outdoor assemblies

Inside, meetings are possible, but only for those with two different addresses.

Outside and on the balconies, meetings should not exceed eight people and physical distance should be regular.

This is a pleasure! It is a pleasure to bring happiness to the young as well as the oldA woman he met at Old Port, the family gathered to celebrate the 80th birthday of one of them.

Places of worship

The maximum number of participants goes from 100 to 250, while keeping a distance of at least 2 meters, if they are not part of the same bubble. Possibility to remove the mask once seated if you do not sing.

For weddings and funerals, the number of people allowed in the place of worship is limited to 50 (instead of 25 in the Orange Zone).

Green and red circles were pasted on the church fuse in order to respect the distance and the rules.

A church in Saint-Trinidad Church in Rouen-Noranda

Photo: Radio-Canada / Melanie Picard


In the Orange Zone, only two adults can meet at two different addresses (and their children), but only on the terrace. In the yellow zone, two families of four adults (and their children) can eat at the same table, inside or outside. The customer must have a record.

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This is one of the big innovations of the Yellow Zone: bars can re-open their doors.

However, companies can only fill half of their capacity. There should be two meters between each table, and these tables should be occupied by residents only from a maximum of two different addresses. Their inhabitants cannot sing or dance.

To the fraud of the corporation of owners of bars, brass and pubs in Quebec, the bars should stop selling liquor at 11pm, which demands flexibility on sports nights, while Montreal Canadians play and the game is subject to overtime.

A woman wears a mask on her computer.

If the social distance is respected, or if Plexiglas walls are installed, the medical mask can be removed at his workplace.

Photo: Getty Images / Valentinrussanov

Wears light mask

Wearing a mask at all times in the workplace is no longer mandatory, but is recommended, if distance can be respected or if physical plexiglass is prohibited. It is mandatory to clean the most affected surfaces and common areas with each shift.

In addition, delivery is recommended and not mandatory.

Arts and Entertainment

Theaters can accommodate up to 250 people. The forced mask can be removed while sitting. Physical space is mandatory between persons who do not reside at the same address.

Large performance halls can accommodate up to 2,500 people if the audience can be divided into independent areas of 250 people. According to some rules, outdoor concerts will be allowed up to 2,500 spectators from June 25.

Our COVID-19 file: What you need to know

Games and leisure

Activities that combine a maximum of 25 players with brief contact (softball, football, volleyball) are allowed.

People want co-op. People have to go, and then we can finally start the most missed game again!

An excerpt from:Eric Cotta, co-owner of Complex Hockey Ballet Sherbrook

Non-supervised activities such as basketball are allowed in public places for people in groups of up to 12 people from different locations.

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Inside, bowling alleys, billiards or darts can be reopened

From June 25, matches will be allowed and spectators will be allowed.

After that?

If everything goes as planned, Quebec will be able to do it all Go to the Green Zone from June 28th.

Until then, the vaccine continues to progress. On Monday, it will be the turn of 55 and over who can advance their appointment to their second dose. Tuesday Who can do this for 50 years and over, and so on.

With information from Jerome Bergeron

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