LaSalle | A police officer from the SPVM was severely beaten

LaSalle |  A police officer from the SPVM was severely beaten

An experienced police officer of the service de police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) was violently assaulted by a suspect on Wednesday in front of the victim’s home. It was Sanjay Vick, the agent who was attacked last year, who answered 911 to save his colleague.

Released at 9:20 p.m.
Updated at 11:16 am

Mesa Ferra

Mesa Ferra

Detective Sergeant went alone to deliver sapona to a victim at a shelter in LaSalle, Montreal.

Instead, he found himself in front of the suspect. The man, who is in his early twenties, is said to have replied that the woman was not there.

The attacker is said to belong to the victim’s family, our sources confirm. He allegedly hit the police officer in the head as he drove towards his vehicle.

Concerned detective Sergeant Saint-Patrick, who suffered an eye injury and concussion, was found on the ground at the intersection of Stirling Street. He was confused when he was taken to the hospital.

Sanjay Vick arrived at the scene shortly after the 911 call made by a citizen. There was a stir last year in the case of an agent being assaulted and disarmed in the Park-Extension section.

Following the attack, Mamadi III Fara Camara was wrongly arrested and later released in court six days later.

Ali Ngarukiye, who was charged with assaulting a police officer, was later arrested.

SPVM Media Relations did not immediately respond to questions Press.

With Daniel Renat

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