[IMAGES] “Independent convoy”: three arrests in Quebec

[IMAGES] “Independent convoy”: three arrests in Quebec

The parliamentary hill station in Quebec was again rocked violently on Saturday as protesters rallied for the second time in two weeks against health measures.

Read more: [EN DIRECT] “Independent convoy” removed: Tensions escalate in Ottawa, tightening police tone

A large crowd of several hundred protesters gathered in front of a podium set up in a container in front of the parliament building, as well as René-Lévesque Boulevard.

At noon, three arrests had already been made in the suburbs of the National Assembly, Quebec police pointed out, “although the majority of protesters respected their agreement to protest peacefully.”

Two lanes to the east in this large Quebec artery should be closed, where the police tolerate the presence of fifty heavy vehicles in long queues of at least half a kilometer.

“Any other movement elsewhere will not be tolerated and will result in a police intervention,” SPVQ warned on Twitter.

Despite the suspension of the health passport in the coming weeks, sports among the youth will resume and return to normal life almost by mid-March, with protesters determined to cause their exhaustion and irritability.

Their demands range from the withdrawal of a state of health emergency – the disappearance must soon be subject to a bill – until the “removal” of Franுவாois Legalt, and the end of the wearing of masks among children.

“Leather tanned”

All of this comes as the province recovers from the fifth wave of a pandemic that proved particularly deadly, with more than 2,000 Cubes dying of COVID-19 within two months.

“There is nothing more I can do, I’m tired of sending my 5 year old daughter to school completely masked. It makes no sense anymore! ” Pascal explained that he left the ghost-coma last week to protest for four days in Ottawa.

By his side, another protester, Eric, was not at all reassured by the restructuring that had begun in the last few days.

“This case is temporary and they will bring it back when the next ‘wave’ comes,” he argued, adding that he believed no one liked Kovit during the convoy to Ottawa, which was a sign of his cunning. Disease.

“We want to cancel everything we want and we want to find life before that,” he pleads.

Photo by QMI Agency, Marc Vallières

More horns

A road tractor known as the “Compromise Truck” and adorned with the words “F * ck Legault” and “F * ck Trudeau”, last established itself before the National Assembly.

Trucks sounded loud horns to signal the start of the protest at 11am.

According to an agent who spoke to The Journal at the scene, the organizers had agreed with the police to operate their sirens only for a limited time.

Most horns stopped after 15 minutes. Another loud episode is expected to play at 5 p.m.

Earlier this week, one of the organizers, Bernard Gaudier, said through social media that he had found a “solution” that did not “hate” the residents, without giving further details.

Convoys, especially from Saguenay, Beauce, East Quebec, Montérégie and Center-du-Québec, had announced their presence.


A very important security device that includes many agents of the Quebec Police and the Sûreté du Québec is back in place.

On Saturdays, the program includes speeches and testimonies, concerts and “meditation” sessions.

Organizers insisted the rally should be “family friendly”.

We also notice that there are many children on the site, many of whom wander around with stuffed animals that are openly provided for the show.

The school bus also attracted attention. The driver, Greg Leplong, and another trucker, Sebastien Howde, say the dog should “spread the joy during surgery.”

“We are not protesting today, we are giving a show to the kids,” Mr said. Howd.

Photo by QMI Agency, Marc Vallières

Compromise approach

As two weeks ago, the Service de police de la Ville de Québec (SPVQ) wants to adopt a firm and consistent approach.

Asked by NewspaperPolice said a tolerance would be observed for holding speeches and concerts because it was not a question of “a show with a large deployment” and was welcomed in Quebec City even though it did not seek permission.

One speaker pointed out that it is common to take speeches and broadcast songs during all kinds of rallies in front of the National Assembly.

The transportation plan is the same as it was two weeks ago. Car traffic is restricted on the Grande Alley between Hotel Le Concord and Port Saint-Louis, as well as the roundabout on Avenue Honore-Mercier, located in front of Parliament.

New powers

Note that the city of Quebec has given its municipal police the power to change the rules of occupation of traffic, parking and public space.

The city has made it clear that permanent or semi-permanent installation such as camping, shelter or spa will not be accepted.

On the other hand, drinking and cooking utensils in parks are no longer allowed in parks.

On Friday evening, the first evening of the festival ended with fishing as the performances were canceled as only a few protesters arrived.

On February 5, 3,000 to 4,000 people protested peacefully in the streets of the city center.

More details coming …

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