A “code black” was triggered at Terrebonne High School

A “code black” was triggered at Terrebonne High School

Students and staff at Terrebonne High School were placed on campus Friday afternoon because of a possible “dangerous person” inside the facility.

John F. A “code black” was triggered after dinner at Armand-Carbeil School, located on Kennedy Street.

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Around 2:00 p.m., a large number of police officers were around and inside the school trying to track down the man making the threat.

Image taken from Facebook Nancy

According to the police, a “black code” was triggered as a “prevention” to “enhance the search”.

Officials sought reassurance, saying no shots were fired and that students were “safe.”

In a message to parents, the Affluent School Service Center noted that “the situation is being handled by the police.”

Parents are asked not to attend the school and “wait for further communication”.

By early afternoon, students and staff of the institution were barricaded inside the campus while police conducted searches inside and outside the school building.

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