A cyclist is missing in Walleye Brass-to-Nord in Saint-Raymond

A cyclist is missing in Walleye Brass-to-Nord in Saint-Raymond

The man was last seen at MRC de Portneuf last Saturday at 1:30 p.m.

The missing were then wearing black trousers with a white stripe and a bicycle sweater.

According to Sarato to Quebec, a piece found in the racked area was found by Mr.

A Sûreté du Québec quad is on the ground.

A command post has been set up to find Powell Presinsky.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Cassandra Nato-Lamarce

Important research tool

Police officers with the help of volunteers and dog handlers, helicopters and drones specializing in forest research are stationed in the area to find other clues.

Yesterday, we had a flying helicopter, a field search with walking police officers and today, it continues with built-in volunteers, quads and a drone to be used to fly during the day., Said Sgereté du Québec (SQ) spokesman Sergeant Louis-Philippe Bibev.

An equestrian team and dog handlers SQ Are also on the site. The police also have the assistance of all volunteer patrol personnel.

We mobilized all our patrols, our forest workers working on the trails, they know the field well, so it helps SQ In current research efforts, Said Frederick Assalin, general manager of the Wally Brass-to-Nord Cooperative.

About ten volunteers cleared the area.

Today, we have 11 volunteers. Our job is to check the tracks, but about thirty meters on each side of the path, to see if we have found any traces that lead us to that person or persons., Said Mary Cowchan, chair of the search and rescue team.

what to do?

Anyone who thinks they have seen Pavel Presinsky is asked to contact 911 immediately. In addition, any information that could help locate him can be secretly contacted at S 800reté Du Québec’s Criminal Information Center at 1 800 659-4264.

With information from Cassandra Nato-Lamarche

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