A disastrous start to a holiday in Quebec

A disastrous start to a holiday in Quebec

At least nine people have died on the road network or in bodies of water since the construction holiday began on Friday.

“It’s been a day since he passed away and it’s still hard for us to believe it. He’s getting ready for his retirement and starting to enjoy life a little more,” Jocelyn LaRochelle said emotionally on Saturday.

His older brother Christian took advantage of the holiday to go mountain biking in Saint-Narcisse-de-Beaurivage in Latpinière on Friday. However, his relatives complained to the authorities when he did not return home even after 9.30 pm.

The man, then 62, was found dead in a ditch near Rong Sainte-Anne.

As there was no sign of sudden braking and his body was in the engine, his relatives believe that he may have suffered discomfort. “He was known by everyone in the village, he was literally a gentle giant,” said the victim’s brother.

Every year, the road network claims many victims during construction holidays. Christian LaRochelle wasn’t the only one to join this sad statistic this weekend.

In the space of 24 hours, four motorcyclists between the ages of 17 and 60 lost their lives in separate accidents in Quebec.

But the grim toll could soon rise, as a 27-year-old woman is in critical condition after crashing into a post in Saint-Basile, Portneuf, on Saturday.

Not only that, but the day before, a 21-year-old man was hit by a car while crossing a street in Montreal on foot. He still rests between life and death.

“We have had a very bad record this summer and it obviously hasn’t improved. We are very worried,” laments Nicolas Ryan, spokesman for CAA-Quebec.

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Swimmers who take advantage of the good weather are also less likely to get into an accident.

Hours after a 14-year-old girl lost her life at the Super Aqua Club in Pointe-Calumet on Friday, a 28-year-old man was rescued from the bottom of a lake in Saint-Lucie-des-Laurentides.

The latter, who was not wearing a life jacket, finally died on Saturday afternoon. Around the same time, a man in his forties was found unconscious on the beach of Lac Sablon in Saint-Polycarpe, Monterrey. His death was confirmed by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) on Sunday afternoon.

Finally, the body of a 49-year-old man who went missing on Saturday while trying to swim across the Patiskan River in Morrissey was also found on Sunday. This is Christian Porre, originally from Saint-Tite.

However, the SQ insisted this week that it will be more on the road network, trails and waterways reminding holidaymakers of safety measures.

During construction holidays

2018 : 18

2019: 16

2020 : 9

2021: 12

During construction holidays

2018: 656

2019: 660

2020: 510

2021: 532

* In the territory served by the Sûreté du Québec

Source: Sûreté du Québec

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