A final farewell to boss Jean-Philippe Celestin's young brother

A final farewell to boss Jean-Philippe Celestin's young brother

The young brother of powerful tycoon Jean-Philippe Celestin, who was killed in a killing spree three weeks ago in Montreal, was laid to rest at noon Tuesday during a funeral ceremony held under heavy police watch.

• Read more: Boss Jean-Philippe Celestin's brother was riddled with bullets in Montreal

More than a hundred family members, relatives, but also members of organized crime were seen during the funeral at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste church in the center of Plateau Mont-Royal.

Jean Brandon Celestin was murdered on the night of February 17 while attending a family party in Little Italy.

A suspect in a speeding vehicle opened fire on a 28-year-old man walking toward a Mercedes. According to our information, nearly thirty shots were fired in his direction, three of which hit him.

He was shot in the heart, killing him instantly.

  • Listen to a news segment by Maxime Deland

More than a hundred people attended the funeral, and many family members wore a sweater designed for the occasion that featured the words “Rest in Peace” emblazoned on Brandon Jean Celestin's face.

Among those present, we could see many people associated with the world of street gangs, others well known to the police for their involvement in drug trafficking and close to the Hells Angels.

Even fallen attorney Loris Cavaliere — once known as the Rizzutos' lawyer — attended the funeral.

During the ceremony, three members of the Marauders, the main sympathy club of the Hells Angels Montreal chapter, stood guard in front of the church.

The event was held under heavy police surveillance. Plainclothes police officers from the SPVM, Sûreté du Québec, Longueuil police and Laval police were seen with a video camera and camera in hand.

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It is still unknown if Brandon Jean Celestin was actually the target of the attack. Officials have not ruled out the hypothesis that the real target was Jean-Philippe Célestin.

Brandon Jean Celestin was killed a stone's throw from a restaurant where his brother had set up his “headquarters” to hold business meetings, according to police sources.

Far from being a major player in organized crime, Brandon Jean-Célestine was well known to Montreal police officers, particularly those from the Éclipse group.

According to our information, the victim became increasingly influential in the management of the operations of a large drug trafficking network managed by his brother Jean-Philippe in Montreal and Chateauguay.

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