A fourth union affiliated with the FAE narrowly accepts the agreement in principle

A fourth union affiliated with the FAE narrowly accepts the agreement in principle

Another union affiliated with the Autonomous Federation of Education (FAE) narrowly accepted in principle the agreement reached with Quebec on Tuesday evening.

Meeting in general assembly, 51% of members of the West Montreal Education Union voted in favor, a narrow majority that demonstrates how deeply the deal, which was reached after more than 20 days of strike, is dividing teachers.

To be ratified, the agreement must be accepted in principle by a majority of the FAE's nine affiliated local unions and by a majority of the members it represents.

So far, teachers from five associations have addressed the plenary.

The agreement was rejected by 68% of teachers in Laval, but it was accepted by almost 60% of teachers from the Union of Professors of Montreal (52%). Outauais (58.5% and 57% respectively).

In terms of salary, the contract offers an average of 21.5% salary increases, but it is above all the provisions related to the “composition of the class” at the heart of the union's demands, which leaves many teachers frustrated.

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