A Laval couple uses spices from Anglette’s door to door

A Laval couple uses spices from Anglette’s door to door

Dominic Anglade went door-to-door for the third time of the campaign on Sunday, and during the training session he received good words but also criticism.

Posted at 4:45 p.m.

Tommy Sounard

Tommy Sounard

A Laval couple spiced up the Liberal leader’s performance. “I have found you very weak in the last four years,” Carmen Trifan said, and her criticisms were also aimed at other parties that formed the opposition in the National Assembly. The Romanian-born woman said she had never seen a situation like this since she came to Canada 20 years ago. It was a “huge disappointment” for her.

“I want it to come back because it breaks my heart to see the Liberals so low,” he added.

Dominic Anglade argued his case, but there was doubt in the air. “I’m sure you’ll be a great voice, but that remains to be seen. Because so far…” replied M.me Tryphon.

At her side, her husband insisted: “I’m liberal, I’m red! »

“I will reassure her, we have been married for 37 years,” said Vierlel Trifan. He even went so far as to call François Legault “the second Ceausescu” after the former Romanian dictator.

Carmen Trifan doesn’t seem to have any intention of voting for Coalition Avenir Quebec. According to him it is preferable to change the government “every four years”. Because “after the first four years, it starts to exist sweet life ! »

Dominique Anglade continued his door-to-door visits to Laval-des-Rapides, where the reception was positive. “You are doing a good job. We will continue to vote for you,” said Sinelle Nukulo. A citizen offered to install an election sign on his property.

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From the beginning of the campaign, Dominique Anglade went door-to-door in Chateauguay and rode on Saint-Henri-Saint-Anne.

In the past week, Dominique Anglade has spent a lot of time in Laval, where she is trying to hold five ridings (out of six) that her party has held. He attended a block party in the Thousand Islands on Sunday.

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