A possible connection causes a rife between Danville and Val-des-Sources

A possible connection causes a rife between Danville and Val-des-Sources

Residents of Domaine Plein-Air and Domaine Pinard in Danville, Estrie, feel forgotten by their municipality and think the grass is next green. They now want to merge with Val-des-Sources.

Rolande Gagnon is one of the citizens of these two departments who has signed a petition requesting the annexation of their neighborhood of Val-des-Sources. In front of his house, the street is in bad condition.

“In terms of road maintenance, as you can see, it’s terrible,” she says, looking back.

Jean Hamel lives in the same area and signed this petition. “We have no service,” he says. For both districts, around 170 doors will be at risk.

The mayor of Val-des-Sources, Hugues Grimard, confirms the measures taken by the citizens of the neighboring municipality.

“It is certain that the members of the Council find interesting the offer that the population makes to us. We are not the ones who went to see them, it was the ones who came to send us the request for annexation, we want to see the whole situation,” analyzes the head of the MRC des Sources.

Danville’s mayor, Martin Satre, was disappointed that elected officials from a neighboring city agreed to study the possibility.

In a letter signed by all council members, Danville elected officials share their “deep disappointment” and their “total lack of understanding.”

The current city council is still trying to right the ship, especially Danville’s financial situation. “It’s more of a strawman,” Ms. Chatre said.

“We really believed that Val-des-Sources would close the door on this possibility,” Meyer says.

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Hugues Grimard believes that analytical procedures take time before reaching a final conclusion. He tempered the expectations of certain citizens in Danville’s target segments.

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