A Quebec woman who returned from a camp in Syria in October has been released on bail

A Quebec woman who returned from a camp in Syria in October has been released on bail

(Montreal) Quebecer, 27, was released on bail Friday after being charged with terrorism when he returned from a detention camp in northeastern Syria last October.

Details of Oumaima Chouay’s bail hearing or the reasons for her release by a Quebec court judge are subject to a publication ban.

Mme Chauvet is charged with leaving Canada to participate in the activities of a terrorist group, participating in terrorist activities, providing goods or services for terrorist purposes and conspiring to leave Canada to participate in the activities of a terrorist group.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested her at Montreal International Airport in October after she arrived from an Islamic State (Daesh) group prisoner camp in Syria with two children and another adult.

Mme Chauvet was released on Friday on the condition that he wear a monitoring bracelet, refrain from using any form of social media and report to the police once a month. A family member must post a $5,000 bond to ensure their future presence in court.

RCMP say Ms.me Chauvet has been under investigation by the Joint National Security Council since November 2014.

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