A system could disrupt the Easter long weekend

Published on March 26, 2024 at 11:06 pm.

The Easter long weekend may be disappointing for some. forecast.

In short:

  • Easter comes early this year;

  • Path of the system to be monitored;

  • Southern Quebec needs to get rid of it.

The opening party

The Easter long weekend comes early this year. The earlier a religious holiday occurs, the more likely cold weather is. This week, the southern part of the province has seen relatively mild temperatures for the season. However, the mercury should drop below normal by Friday. In fact, some areas are luckier than others on all four days. A dense coastal system can work.


Coastal system

For weeks, the eastern part of the province was particularly spoiled in terms of disruptions. Coastal craters follow each other at impressive speeds. Due to high humidity they shed significant amount of rainfall. This Saturday, meteorologists will be tracking the path that this imposing system will take. According to the models, snow and rain are expected on the Caspian Sea and on the northern shore. During this time, parts of western Quebec benefit from clear weather, and temperatures fluctuate near seasonal averages.


Have a lovely weekend

For those who remember, last year's Easter weekend was almost flawless. The 2023 edition was held on the weekend of April 9. In the past forty years, meteorologist Régène Ouimet has identified six instances where all four days were beautiful. Shall we add 2024 to this list? Probably not, as some areas may be partially cleared over the weekend.

See also  In Quebec 62 deaths and 2,742 were hospitalized


In collaboration with Bertin Ossonon and Rejean Ouimet, meteorologists.

Also See: Hailstorm destroys hundreds of cars

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