A third teenager has been killed in Montreal this year

A third teenager has been killed in Montreal this year

The violent death of a third teenager in Montreal since the beginning of this year has brought back painful memories for two families who lost their child in the cold murder of 2021.

Read more: The teenager who had no story was killed: no understanding between the relatives of the famous young man

Read more: A young man without stories was killed in the middle of the street in the Saint-Michel district

“There are tears in my eyes. My body is burning from the inside. I feel sorry for this young man and his family,” he said confidently. Magazine Samir Poochol, a 16-year-old man with no history when he learned of the murder of Thomas Trudeau.

His 15-year-old sister-in-law, Meriem Boundaoui, was the first teenager to die in a shooting in 2021 in the Saint-Léonard district in February. The murder of an Algerian teenager made headlines throughout Quebec, but also in North Africa, where her parents still live.

History repeated itself last October. Janne Topwell-Bailey, 16, died of her stab wounds in the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough.

Life before them

“It’s very sad to see us take the lives of young people who put everything first. We live in a beautiful country, and it should not happen here. It’s time for Montreal to do something to prevent this. Said.

Mr. Bailey admitted that he was now afraid to go out at night and was alert at all times.

“My son was killed when he returned from school. […] He is innocent. No one knows why they were attacked. We are looking for someone on suspicion. Our lives have been turned upside down forever, ”he quit.

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According to criminologist Maria Maurani, these three free murders show how easy it is for young people without a criminal record to obtain firearms.

“We used access to criminal gangs, bikers and weapons linked to the mafia. Unfortunately, we now see young people with guns, not even registered by the police,” he said.

They can easily order 3D printed weapons on the internet or offer spare parts for a few hundred dollars, he explained.

“What are the entry methods for these weapons?” Why not postal services [interceptent] Isn’t it There is a hole somewhere in our public security system. This is an issue that needs to be addressed, “said Maria Maurani.

Free for murder victims in 2021

Meriem Boundaoui, 15 ans

  • He was shot dead on February 7, 2021

Meriem Boundaoui was shot in the head in the Saint-Léonard district.

As the young man was traveling in a gray car with one of the men, the masked suspects approached them in another vehicle and opened fire.

Janney Topwell-Bailey, 16

Photo Archives, Agencies QMI

  • Pierced October 18, 2021

Jannoi Topwell-Bailey was stabbed to death on Monday afternoon when he was returning from school in the C -te d’Ivoire neighborhood. The killing comes after a fight between several teenagers on Van Horn Avenue.

Thomas Trudeau is 16 years old

  • He was shot dead on November 14, 2021
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At 9pm, a man approached him while he was walking home after a night in the park with teenage friends. There was a brief verbal altercation between the two and he was shot at least once. He collapsed on the sidewalk of St. Michael’s County, where he breathed his last.

See also

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