Agreement in principle between FSE-CSQ and Quebec | Up to 24% salary hike for teachers

Agreement in principle between FSE-CSQ and Quebec |  Up to 24% salary hike for teachers

(Quebec) In CSQ (FSE) an agreement reached in principle between the Legault government and the Federation of Affiliated Education Unions will see teachers not at the top of the salary scale receive raises of 20% to 24% over five years. -CSQ).

This deal, this Pres received, actually providing an average increase of 4% in salary scales, which is in addition to the projected 17.4% increase for all other state employees.

FSE-CSQ's contract, which is part of the 95,000-member (60% teachers) General Front, also includes an envelope of $74 million a year to reduce class composition.

Last week, the Federation of Autonomous Teachers (FAE), with 60,000 members on strike for 22 days, was reported to have reached an agreement to pay $33 million for class action.

Salary will increase

As for salaries, for almost all positions, the FSE-CSQ agreement includes a higher increase than the 17.4% increase over five years that applies to other state employees under the agreement reached between Quebec and the General Front during the holidays. Salary alone will increase by 17.4% at the last level where the majority of teachers are found. This will increase to $100,246 this year and $109,121 in 2026.

The starting salary for a bachelor's degree in teaching will rise 20.3%, from approximately $53,000 currently to $60,000 and $65,000 in 2026.

Schedule provided by FSE-CSQ

All other levels (except the last ever) are still significantly improved.

For example, salaries at levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 are expected to rise by 20.9%, 22.7%, 24.5% and 24.1% respectively by 2026-2027. We're talking a little over 23% for levels 8, 9 and 10; and 21.1% for levels 11 to 15.

According to the agreement, teachers' pay rates have been increased by an average of 4%, in addition to the 17.4% increase applicable to all civil servants.

This average 4% increase in grades, over time, costs the government $130 million per year.

Document received by Pres Not mentioning it, but we understand that members of FAE will also get these increases negotiated by FSE-CSQ. Teachers will not have two salary rates based on union affiliation.

Class composition

The FSE-CSQ agreement provides an envelope for class composition issues that represent an annual cost to the government of $74 million.

An additional part-time resource is included in the 5-year-old kindergarten, “allocated on a decreasing basis according to the number of students per group until funds are exhausted”. We are talking about an investment of 18.6 million.

For primary education, an envelope of 18.6 million is planned for “opening of groups” and “recruitment of teachers” under the “local mechanism for identifying difficult situations”.

In secondary school, under the same mechanism, there is a “preferential addition of TES hours”. [technicien en éducation spécialisée], “Opening groups, adding periods and adding teaching staff”, and finally “adding other resources”. The surgery cost 24.8 million.

Various measures worth around 12 million are included in the agreement, for example to add leisure classes or create welcome classes for students from immigrant backgrounds.

Unlike the FAE, FSE-CSQ members receive up to $8,000 in compensation if the government fails to open new classes or provide additional assistance.

According to that document Pres In return, the government received, for example, an obligation to complete “all transition processes” of teachers “by August 8 at the latest”, so earlier than at present.

Similar to the FAE agreement, the FSE-CSQ agreement includes the addition of 4,000 class assistants across the network at an ongoing cost of 210 million.

The agreement reached between the government and FSE-CSQ is beginning to circulate as union meetings will soon be held for members to express their views.

The FSE-CSQ was the first teachers' union to reach an agreement in principle with Quebec on December 22. FAE received its own on December 27.

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