Alex Smith’s daughter, Sloan, recovers from a brain tumor

Alex Smith’s daughter, Sloan, recovers from a brain tumor
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Former NFL quarterback Alex Smith praised his daughter’s “nice, dedicated, intelligent, playful, intelligent, fun-loving strength” while declaring that she was recovering from brain surgery to remove a “very rare malignancy.”

Smith wrote on Instagram on Saturday that Sloan, the youngest of his three children with his wife, Elizabeth, and their only daughter, developed stroke-like symptoms on May 10.

He explained that doctors told Smith’s family that she “has a large brain tumor and needs an emergency craniotomy.”

He wrote that ten hours of surgery at Stanford Children’s Health was “the most painful time of our lives”. He said neurosurgeons removed all of the tumor and Sloan “in its true form – bounced back from brain surgery like a rock star! Never missed a moment.”

However, the pathologist determined she had a “very rare malignancy with very few documented cases – without a clear roadmap for treatment. We are currently awaiting further tests and gathering as many opinions as possible from physicians across the country to determine the best way forward.” We hope this was easy and clear and someone gave us a how-to guide. It’s anything but that.”

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The 6-year-old was “recovered” and “returned to her bubbly nature. Singing, dancing, laughing and feeling good.” “Most of all, she’s an incredibly strong girl who has a lot to fight,” he added.

Smith thanked “our amazing medical team, our family, friends, acquaintances and even some strangers who have influenced our lives in the past month and a half. We have struggled to keep up with calls, texts, communication and constantly trying to update our loved ones. These have been the hardest times we have ever been through. We know it isn’t over.” And we have a ride ahead, but without all of you we wouldn’t have come this far.”

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Alex and Elizabeth were open about it Long recovery and return From a broken leg that ended his NFL career, he shared the story with ESPN and talked about how his life was put at risk by the infection. He apologized in his post for appearing “withdrawal” in the face of this challenge.

“We’re sorry if we seem to be withdrawn. That’s because… we’ve been overwhelmed with doctors’ appointments, checkups, and labs and are doing our best to navigate through this. Most importantly, we’re recovering together as a family.”

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