Amazon union workers and Teamsters signed a deal

Amazon union workers and Teamsters signed a deal

Members of the Amazon Workers Union (ALU) voted to join International Brotherhood of Truck Drivers In a move they hope will bring new life to a years-long struggle to secure union contracts for Amazon warehouse workers.

“We are now stronger than ever.”

This means the new ALU-International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Local 1 will represent about 5,500 Amazon warehouse workers at JFK8. If any of Amazon’s other New York City warehouses vote to unionize, Local 1 will have jurisdiction over its workers as well.

“On behalf of the Amazon Workers Union, I am proud that our members have chosen a path to victory. We are now stronger than ever,” ALU President Chris Smalls said in a statement. press release. “Having the support of 1.3 million Task Force members to take on Amazon gives us a tremendous workforce and opportunities to demand better conditions for our members and, most importantly, secure a contract at JFK8.”

Amazon workers are at the company’s largest air cargo hub in the United States, KCVG, also in Kentucky Vote to join the Teamsters Advance this month. But so far, JFK8 remains the only Amazon warehouse to have successfully voted to unionize.

“The Teamsters have set the standard with our agreement that protects the industry’s 340,000 UPS warehouse workers and drivers. You can be sure that we will hold Amazon to the same standards, not the other way around,” Sean O’Brien, Teamsters general president, said in the press release. .

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