Announces new Brunswick cutout measures to control Govt-19 | Covit-19 in the Atlantic

Announces new Brunswick cutout measures to control Govt-19 |  Covit-19 in the Atlantic

The circuit breaker measures at a glance

  • Social interaction is limited to your household members;
  • No indoor or outdoor meeting;
  • Meetings are allowed in public places where vaccination passports are required (such as restaurants);
  • There is no movement between health areas affected by the cut-out measures;
  • Schools remain open, but sports and course activities for children under 12 are discontinued;
  • Businesses, recreation centers and activities may continue to allow open and vaccinated individuals.

Premier Plane Hicks explains that the goal is to reduce the risk of Thanksgiving spreading over the weekend.

These restrictions will be in place for at least two weeks, Friday at 6 p.m., in the Mangton Health Area (up to Saint-on-De-Kent in the north), part of the Mangton Health Area. Fredericton (north of Deerville), as well as the entire Edmundston health area.

Circuit breaker measures will be taken in these areas to prevent further anchoring of the virus in the communities., Dr. Jennifer Russell announced during the press conference.

They are necessary to protect the hospital system, Plane Hicks added.

No Thanks Collection

Meetings will be closed in all parts of the province from 6pm on Friday to 11:59pm on Monday.

Across the state, people should limit their contact to one home.

The goal of these measures is to further control the spread of the virus and prevent further hospitalization.

Compulsory vaccination or loss of salary

The New Brunswick government announces on November 19 that utility workers who are not fully vaccinated will be sent home without pay unless they have a proper medical exemption.

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Prior to November 19, those who have not been fully vaccinated and those with positive cases must be self-isolated for 14 days without pay.

This includes staff in public service, education, health and crowning institutions, long-term care facilities and staff and volunteers in schools and elementary education centers.

In the case of academic daycare, non-compliance may result in the loss of the daycare license.

In addition, the government is setting up a rapid screening program in schools.

90 new cases and 1 death

Public health reports of 90 new COVID-19 cases in the province on Tuesday. There are 782 active cases in New Brunswick.

The province said one person had died in the Edmundston area in the past 24 hours.

Fifty people have been admitted to the hospital, including 23 who are receiving intensive care. Of those hospitalized, 82% were not fully vaccinated.

New cases based on health region

  • Mangton: 45 new cases
  • Saint-Gene: 4 new cases
  • Fredericton: 25 new cases
  • Edmundston: 7 new cases
  • Bathurst: 5 new cases
  • Miramichi: 3 new cases

Since the start of the school year, COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in 76 schools and 41 academic day care centers.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Hicks and Chief Health Officer Dr. Jennifer Russell delivered an update on the Govit-19 epidemic.

This press conference comes according to the provincial report Active cases and hospital admission records.

Our Document: Covit-19 in the Atlantic

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