Are gas prices $7.11 at 7-Eleven?

Are gas prices .11 at 7-Eleven?

A photograph shows a real gas price of $7.11 at a 7-Eleven store in mid-June 2022.


Although the photo is original, it was taken in March 2021, not June 2022. Importantly, the prices listed on the sign do not reflect real gas prices. Instead, the sign offered a “test price” of $7.11 to promote the opening of a new store.

reality check

In June 2022, as gas prices continued to rise around the world, a viral image spread that 7-Eleven store gas prices supposedly reached $7.11. This photo was Often shared with the caption: “The prophecy has been fulfilled.”

The image shows test prices at a 7 Eleven gas station in March 2021. Later shared by Elon Musk in June 2022 as if it showed real gas prices.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has shared an unrestricted version of the photo, leading some to believe it mirrored the original gas prices at a 7-Eleven store. But although the picture is real, the prices are not. These are “test” prices that were used to celebrate the opening of a new store.

This photo was Originally Posted online March 2021 By Reddit user u/mbeemsterboer. The original post “New 7-Eleven Test Gas Prices” was commented on. In the comments section, a Reddit user shared some additional information about the image:

“Lol, these are not real prices. That was before the gas station opened, they only used 7.11 as fuel prices on the sign to make them work before opening”

A Reddit post about gas prices at 7-Eleven.

The company told us that it’s not uncommon for a 7-Eleven store to display gas prices of $7.11 in the days before a new store opens.

This photo is over a year old. In the past, it was common for building contractors to test fuel price signs at newly built, but not yet opened, 7-Eleven locations, going up to $7.11 in honor of the store name,” a company spokesperson said. “We have since asked building contractors to stop about this practice and hope that this recently redistributed image will not cause any confusion to 7-Eleven customers.”

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have Found several additional Pictures showing these test prices in different locations. This is a picture The soon-to-open 7-Eleven is offering a gas price of $7.11 with another sign announcing that a new store is coming soon.

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