Bread and forest demonstration: Women mobilizing “for our children”

Bread and forest demonstration: Women mobilizing “for our children”

Thousands of women took to the streets of Quebec to celebrate Mother’s Day, hoping to secure a greener and more secure future for their children.

Read more: Separated for 80 years: Mother-daughter reunion

“Moms are tired of being angry alone, so we get angry together. It’s the love and care we have for our children that binds us together, ”says Anas Barbeau-Lavalet, co-founder of the Mothers Leading Movement.

At noon, a lavish crowd gathered in the Museum Park, marching more than a kilometer toward the National Assembly in Grande Alley.

Gathered at the Bread and Forest mobilization event, thousands of mothers – and fathers – called on the government to “protect their children from the escalation of social inequality.” [notamment liées aux places en garderie] And degradation of ecosystems “.

An impressive crowd of several thousand parents marched on Grande Alley on Sunday.

Photo by Didier Debusschere

An impressive crowd of several thousand parents marched on Grande Alley on Sunday.

“Franோois Legalt, are you asleep? Are you asleep? “, To the music of the nursery, the procession sang Brother Jax, Guided by the banner “For our children”.

More places

One of the key demands of the mobilization is to ensure an affordable and quality daycare space for every child, says Myriam Lapointe-Gagnon of the Ma place au travail movement.

This is a very difficult situation for mothers who often have to put off their careers in order to take care of the newborn.

“We have not had a daycare for 19 months, so I worked fifteen hours a week while my son slept or survived in the evening,” testified Marilyn Dion, a young mother of two.

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“I have no choice but to bring home extra income. You can not just rely on my wife’s income,” he adds.

Premier Legalt is being asked to adopt a framework law that “requires the government to review all its decisions regarding their impact on the environment and social equality.”

Healthy future

“At our level, we are at the end of what we can do. At some point, we need the political will to do things,” said Stephanie Cotrey, a Thai mother who took part in the protest.

An observation was shared by Ms.Me Barbeau-Lavalet from the Mères au Front asking the government to make decisions “at the height of the climate disaster that awaits us” […] For the future of our children.

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