Buildings in poor condition | “We never use bazookas,” says the plant management

Buildings in poor condition | “We never use bazookas,” says the plant management

Plant management on Monday defended its decision to “never use the bazooka” to crack down on owners of abandoned buildings in Montreal.

In the municipal council, the mayor’s group has been criticized by the official opposition for its record on bans on urban warts. According to the investigation duty, Only 24 fines were handed out to offending owners under a new regulation adopted last fall that signaled a toughening of the city of Montreal’s approach.

The city “has a bazooka in its hands, but we don’t always use a bazooka. We’re gradually getting there,” argued Robert Beaudry, an elected official in charge of city planning.

“We have added inspectors precisely so that tragedies do not occur, so that owners accept their responsibilities,” he continued.

Opposition member of parliament Chantal Rossi condemned the lack of muscle in the intervention of the city of Montreal, Mr. asked Beaudry. “The facts are there. The administration is actually allowing the situation to worsen,” he assured.

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