CAQ is still fanning the flames of intolerance

CAQ is still fanning the flames of intolerance

Coalition Avenir chose the day after a Quebec national holiday to reverse its preferred burial ground of immigration.

In a legendary newsletter, Francois Legault’s party claims to have turned what he describes as a “liberal mess” into creating “CAQ’s success stories”.

Cultivate pessimism

Obviously, this is more of a pamphlet than an argument based on pure and hard facts.

Take, for example, this emphatic statement: “Quebec has always fulfilled its humanitarian obligation to asylum seekers, and we can be proud of that. (…) However, with Roxham Road, Quebec’s reception capacities were stretched to the maximum in terms of housing, such as health care or children’s education.

Excuse me? Are asylum seekers the reason we lack doctors, places in CPE and teachers? I thought it was a question of mismanagement by the government… OK!

In addition, people say that the reason for the closure of Wroxham Road was François Legault’s open letter, whereas it was the long-term discussions between the federal government and the United States that led to the negotiated agreement.

Takes people for fools

In its newsletter, CAQ uses false teaching and many changes to the immigration system already put in place by liberals.

What’s more, we have no choice but to believe that the CAQ is doing it on purpose, with unfettered intellectual dishonesty.

Take a table where a 10% decrease in the number of permanent immigrants equals 50%. Authors think they are idiots or their readers.

Premier of Quebec, Francois Legault

Map taken from CAQ website

Hiding immigration statistics in this way only serves a cause of tolerance.

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