Child Labour: 19th Bill Goes Bad Among Entrepreneurs

Child Labour: 19th Bill Goes Bad Among Entrepreneurs

Bill 19, which sets the minimum age to work in Quebec at 14, is sparking outrage among entrepreneurs in the Mauricie region.

• Read more: Minimum age to work is 14: “We can break 90,000 dreams!”, laments CFIB.

Campsites such as Camping du Parc de la Peninsula in Sainte-Genevieve-de-Badiscon will be forced to lay off many employees after the new law comes into effect. Most of these employees are busy manning the arcades, mini-golf or lifeguards.

We see the same at Aquaparc H2O in Trois-Rivières, which has a dozen assistant lifeguards and maintenance staff under the age of 14.

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Many employees will inevitably be laid off.

“I need someone else, otherwise we’ll have to close the attractions,” said Aquaparc H2O general manager Sophie Bellemare.

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While hiring staff is difficult now, replacing a dozen workers will be a challenge.

Among the exceptions, children under the age of 14 are allowed to talk about their work in a family business, but only if there are fewer than ten employees. François Proulx, father and owner of 1200 Degrees in Trois-Rivières, will therefore be forced to prevent his 13-year-old son from continuing to work for the company.

“He’s very disappointed. He was excited to come to work. It doesn’t prove that workers are safe in a company with less than ten employees, or working on a farm. We know farms are dangerous,” Mr. Proulx said, adding that the government is instead encouraging young people to work in safer places. Said to confirm.

A similar situation exists for one of Enseignes FX Boisvert’s partners, who cannot provide work for his 13-year-old son after the law comes into effect. “It’s a bit flat to tell them you can’t help them anymore and get a bit of pay a week,” explained Stephen Bellerive.

Over the past few days, Mr. Proulx has received countless messages.

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