Civil Rights Association to challenge emergency action in court

Civil Rights Association to challenge emergency action in court

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association does not believe that recent events have justified the government’s use of emergency measures, including creating a national crisis that threatens Canada’s security.Ewa Krajewska, a lawyer representing the union in the case, said.

The Association explains that it is important to ensure that the government does not infringe on the rights guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, especially since this is the first aid of the law.

The situation in Ottawa is complex, difficult and painful, especially for marginalized groups who have experienced racial or homosexual atrocities.Recognized by the Director ofCanadian Civil Liberties AssociationNova Mendelssohn Aviv.

However, it believes that governments already have the tools to deal with the situation and that emergency measures should be resorted to by law. Unnecessary, unjustifiable and unconstitutional.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke to reporters before leaving for the Caucasus meeting on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Photo: Canadian Press / Adrian Wilde

The federal government announced on Monday Used the emergency law Demonstrations blocked some more border crossings earlier in the week to put an end to the occupation of downtown Ottawa.

The Prime Minister promised that the adopted measures would respect the Charter of Rights and Freedom.

The scope of these measures will be time-bound, geographically targeted, fair and proportional to the threat to Canada’s security.Said Justin Trudeau.

This promise does not convince the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that the text of the decrees does not limit their scope to certain cities or provinces. He therefore concludes that they apply to all Canadians and to the country as a whole, including the provinces where the chiefs have declared that they do not need the rules provided by the Emergency Act.

The association is also concerned about the rules affecting the freezing of bank accounts and the communication of personal financial information without any judicial review.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association emphasizes the importance of defending the right to demonstrate in a democracy.

An illegal disruptive struggle, such as blocking the pipeline or occupying public space, may also be the best way to raise awareness for powerless people.Ms. According to Mendelsohn Aviv.

The Emergency Act passed in 1988 has not been used before. This changed the law of war operations.

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