Close matches, pops, cute talk, maybe even a little bit of bullying

Close matches, pops, cute talk, maybe even a little bit of bullying

While online tournaments have kept the fighting games community going throughout the COVID, there’s nothing quite like a massive personal niche to showcase the best/most fun from the various scenes, and one of the biggest events of the year will kick off this weekend.

During the 16th Summit of Street Fighter 5 in Combobreaker 2022, Bandits | The MenaRD and RobTV set had everything we like to see from offline FGC including close matches, talk between games, and maybe even a little bit of bullying.

Both SF5 dueling pros came out on a fairly convincing run, but Mina would go on to confirm bad Critical Art with Luke, allowing Karen to take the first match.

This of course allowed RobTV to let Mina know this sort of thing wouldn’t fly against him while waving his finger and giving the former Capcom Cup champion some words, he’d be far from the latter.

Mina was responding aggressively with almost complete shock to start Game 2 and would shut it down in two consecutive rounds.

You know the Dominican crew is always ready to talk back, so Mina turned around in his seat to face Rob in order to stare down and tell him he’s not free, which made IFC | YipeS shouts.

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It would all turn into Game 3 with only one player moving the arc, and both players were throwing their lives into the tournament on the line.

They didn’t wait until the end of the game to keep talking about trash, but RobTV was screaming at Mina after the first round apparently fought something along the lines of “it’s over” although we unfortunately don’t hear exactly what is being said between them.

Mina didn’t finish talking to the guy and managed to pull her in his favour just enough to win and take the set.

Locking his victory, Mina began to appear, standing up to Rob with his arms up, but it seemed like there was no salt here.

Rob still laughed about it and threw some applause for his opponent before going for the hug, so the budding rivalry still seemed to be on friendly terms.

If you want to go and see one of the funniest and funniest weekend combos yet, take a look at Broadcast archive here on Low Kick eSports.

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