Closing Desjardins counters on three RPAs: “People think about their budget before they think about welfare.”

Closing Desjardins counters on three RPAs: “People think about their budget before they think about welfare.”

Several hundred tenants of three residences for the elderly (RPA) located in the north of Montreal feel neglected and forgotten, while the Caisse Desjardins will close its service counters in the walls of their residential towers at the end of August.

Residents of Portofino, Gouin and Sault-au-Récollet will no longer be able to carry out their banking transactions just a few steps from their homes.

“We found out about it by accident when a resident went to the counter,” underlines Jean-Pierre Taigneault, president of the Residence Portofino tenants’ group. It is not announced anywhere on the walls or doors of the premises.

“Many counters have been opened due to the epidemic, but ours has been open for a long time. They think about their budget before they think about public welfare.

The decision by Caisse Populaire Sault-au-Récollet-Montréal-Nord spread like wildfire through the corridors of residential towers. An uncertain environment has developed.

By the end of August, residents will have two ways to do their banking transactions: they will have to go to the service center on Pie-IX Boulevard, three kilometers from their homes, or they will have to do their transactions online. Desjardins.

“I have my car and I can get around, but the majority of residents don’t,” said Mr. Tagno says. They have to take a bus or a taxi to get there.

“Regarding the internet, majority of the elderly are not aware of it and are unable to carry out their transactions. We’re going back to the old days when people hid their money in woolen stockings they kept at home.

Petitions in motion

Mr. Daigno and a small group of residents have not been idle in the face of the situation. They started a petition, which was an instant success.

Out of a total of 350 tenants, nearly 250 have signed an intention to make things happen. However, the person responsible for this initiative is under no illusions.

“I don’t believe in miracles,” he says. I hope Desjardins has a positive reaction, but I don’t believe it.

“I especially want to raise a “flag” to warn other RPAs.”

In the coming hours, he will send a copy of the petition to the managers of Caisse Sault-au-Récollet-Montréal-Nord and Desjardins head office.

As for the other two RPAs, only the Sault-au-Récollet residence followed their friends at Residences Portofino. About forty names appear in the petition to Desjardins.

Last February, Desjardins announced that it would close 30% of its service centers and ATMs across Quebec by the end of 2026.

Is usage decreasing?

The Desjardins group sought to reassure the tenants of the three apartments affected by the closure of the Caisse Sault-au-Récollet-Montréal-Nord.

“If a credit union decides to stop offering its services in RPA, this reflects the actual use of the services,” underlines Desjardins spokesperson Jean-Benoit Turcotti. We know these changes will take time to take hold.”

He assures residents that they will not be left to their own devices.

“Credit unions are committed to finding alternative solutions for the most affected members, such as arranging transport services to the nearest service center or automating transactions,” he added.

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