Complaint of sexual harassment against an elected representative of Projet Montreal

Complaint of sexual harassment against an elected representative of Projet Montreal

Allegations of sexual harassment against Councilor Craig Sauvé reappeared on Thursday, three days before the election. The chancellor in question denied all the facts that denounced him, while Denise Coder threw red balls at Valerie Blande, accusing him of being “allegedly an aggressor”.

Henry Ollet-Vagina

Henry Ollet-Vagina

Isabel Ducas

Isabel Ducas

“Instead of listening to the victim, Project Montreal chose to defend an invader. Valerie Blande denied that she knew about the case, but there is evidence that she knew. She lied. He also demanded the withdrawal of his municipal councilor candidacy.

Mr. Coderrey mentions An earlier CBC article on Thursday revealed that the mayor had lied that he “knew nothing about the allegations of sexual harassment against the elected official.”

According to two formal announcements sent to the party in 2018, the facts are pre-2012. Press After receiving the copies, the victim accused the officer of raping her of raping her. An independent “arbitration process” took place between the victim and the selected officer in question. The police investigation was also opened, but closed in February 2021.

We also learn that in a letter to Marie-Dominique Giguère, the executive director general of Projet Montreal, the victim asked an elected member of the party to “avoid contact” with her attacker. “This elected woman forwarded your request to the party leadership. After verification by an independent third party, it was determined that the matter was of a personal nature and did not involve our organization in any way,” he said.Me Kikure.

Photo by Sarah Mongkow-Birkett, The Press

Denise Coder

In June 2020, during a press conference, Valerie Plante questioned whether elected officials were subject to sexual harassment. “Honestly, as party leader, I didn’t get anything,” he said.Me Plante states that a check will be made for all future candidates.

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“I look forward to the answers. People have a right to know,” Denise Coder pleaded Thursday, referring to the controversy surrounding her clients and her tax revenue.Me Blondie usually uses it to attack the former mayor. Mr. Godrej’s number two, Nadine Kelly, also lamented that “as a woman” Valerie Blonde had “no remorse and no transparency” in this file.

In a brief statement Thursday, Councilor Craig Sauvé said he was “subject to unsubstantiated allegations regarding an incident in 2012.” “Since I have nothing to complain about, I have handled this allegation with cooperation and respect. After a thorough investigation, the police have closed the file. I want to be clear with everyone. I categorically deny these allegations. I will analyze the solutions available to me,” he said. Insisted.

“I did the right thing,” Blonde replied.

Called to the reaction on Thursday, Mayor Blonde denied that he was trying to hide anything within his party. “When I was questioned, the file was closed. The police had decided that the allegations were baseless, so when I was questioned, I answered openly and transparently in a closed file, ”she defended herself.

I acted right. The police decided that the complaint could not be accepted. We met both sides and there was no news after that [de la personne ayant formulé la plainte].

Valerie Blonde, Outgoing Mayor

MMe At one point, Blondie explained, “the two lawyers were talking to each other, but one of the lawyers did not answer.” “We were in the process of setting up an arbitration process, which was agreed upon by both parties,” he stressed.

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He says he is “transparent.” “When we received the news of the harassment allegations, we acted quickly. After that, we did not hear from the complainant for two years. I believe I did the right thing. But the presumption of innocence is also important in our society. When asked if there were any files pending, I answered no, no. ”

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