Construction begins on the Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope

Construction begins on the Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope

View from SKA in South Africa (left) and Australia (right).

The world’s largest radio broadcasterThe elescope is officially under construction in Australia, where work is underway on one of them component of what will be intercontinental tool. When it becomes operational in late 2020, the telescope will provide a clearer and wider view of The universe at radio wavelengths.

The telescope is called the Square Kilometer Array, which is a reflection of The scientists’ original goal of a square kilometer collection area; The actual ska Assembly area of ​​half a square kilometer. According to a SKA Observatory versionThe teams celebrated The Construction start With ceremonies at project sites in Australia and South Africa.

The array will be a combination of approximately 200 radio dishes and 130,000 dipoles, which are smaller, terrestrial antennas. In other words, the SKA is a large telescope made up of many smaller telescopes.

The array’s radio dishes will be located in South Africa Karoo desert The Christmas tree-shaped antennae will be located deep in the Australian outback. Radio telescopes need radio silence to be able to focus on the long wavelengths of deep space, which is why The SKA organizers chose these Remote setups.

Having such huge scientific tools out in the wild doesn’t come without them difficulties. In Australia, ants can fry electronic devices. And termites build mounds around telescope antennas. Kangaroos sometimes kick the instruments around, And the Giant lizards named Steve Walk around the arrays as if they own the place. and gBecause of the almost complete absence of humansThey kind of do.

Composite image of planned SKA dishes (left) and completed MeerKAT dishes (right) in South Africa.

Several predecessors to SKA already existedincluding the MeerKAT group in South Africa, which took up scope Stunning image of the “filament” in the center of the galaxy. But only now are parts of SKA’s heart being created after years of design and planning. The completed SKA is expected to be commissioned in late 2020.

Larger Telescope arrays offer better resolution—Hence the excitement surrounding what will be the world’s largest radio telescope array.

“To put SKA’s sensitivity into perspective, SKA could detect a mobile phone in an astronaut’s pocket on Mars, 225 million kilometers away,” Danny Price, senior research fellow at the Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy, said. Agence France-Presse.

SKA will monitor massive compact objects such as pulsars and black holes to better understand gravitational waves The era of reionizationwhen the first galaxies and stars appeared, And the first billion years of the universe.

The Webb Space Telescope is also looking at some of the early light of the universe, but… It is observed in infrared and near infrared wavelengths, rather than infrared wavelengths long radio wavelengths.

Combine these cutting-edge observatories with the number of new space missions scheduled to launch at the turn of the decade, and it’s clear we’re in for some interesting astrophysical insights in the years to come.

More: Webb telescope directs its eye to Saturn’s mysterious moon Titan

See also  Stunning images reveal the most detailed view of the Milky Way in radio waves: ScienceAlert

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