Covid-19: Paid $500 per day to vaccinate in chain

Covid-19: Paid 0 per day to vaccinate in chain

Vaccinators hired for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign can earn more than $500 per day.

Our intelligence bureau has learned that people recruited by the JeContribue platform can earn salaries equivalent to their pre-retirement salaries.

Until last May, they were eligible for up to $1,800 per month in attendance bonuses. They received bonuses ranging from $15 to $90 per day after working only one day or two half days per week.

Other amounts such as evening premiums may also apply.

“In fact, it’s possible for some vaccinators to earn up to $500 per shift, including bonuses,” said Catherine Domingo, director of media relations for Monterey East’s Center for Integrated Health and Social Services (CISSS).


A retired civil servant posted at a government site was shocked when told how much he would be getting.

“I was told that compensation for the exact same liability could range from $50,000 to more than $100,000. How do you justify this variation, and above all how do you justify paying $100,000 to administer a vaccine?” asks the person, who agreed to speak only on condition of anonymity.

As part of the vaccination campaign, Quebec has expanded the categories of workers authorized to be dosed. In particular, veterinarians, dentists or chemists are approved. After two short training sessions, they can inject.

For employees belonging to the health network, pay is applied based on the salary scale of the original job. Therefore, a clinical nurse or biochemist can earn between $27.08 and $47.98 plus matching bonuses and fringe benefits (vacation, holidays or sick).

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To date, healthcare organizations have paid out millions of dollars in compensation. This brings the bill to over $30 million in Quebec alone.

“The CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale administered more than 1,000 vaccines, in at least 20 vaccination sites, ten mobile clinics, 36 CHSLDs, 157 RPAs, 169 schools, in addition to various public spaces,” notes spokesperson Anne.

More than 21 million doses have been administered in Quebec since the vaccination campaign began in December 2020.

Millions In compensation

CIUSSS of Capital-Nation

  • $30M | 1.9 million doses

CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

CISSS of Monterey-East

  • $20.2M | Over 500,000 sizes*

* In July 2021

Vaccination campaign In a few numbers

  • Quebecers with dose (7,459,571): 91%
  • Cubase with four doses: 22%
  • 59% of those 60+ received four doses
  • 487,839 were not vaccinated

Sources: CISSS, CIUSSS and Ministry of Health

Two types of workers

The government has created two categories of workers by selecting vaccination workers directly from the population.

“Those who negotiated the terms pageThis is unacceptable,” laments Maxime Ste-Marie, president of CUPE’s Provincial Social Affairs Council.

The latter, which represents more than 30,000 employees of the health network, denounced the administration through a ministerial directive mandated by the government.

Conditions for workers working in screening and vaccination centers are established by decision of the Minister in the context of a health emergency.

Maxime Ste-Marie recognizes the essential contribution of these workers and promotes vaccination, but he wonders why the health emergency is still in effect in the network two and a half years after the start of the epidemic.

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“We need everyone, but many are in the unknown. Their situation should be regularized, especially if they are competent to stay in their jobs,” he said.

According to him, the government should do more to fill the thousands of vacant posts in the network.

An unprecedented crisis

In CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, it is reported to have paid out more than $22.7 million in compensation since the vaccination campaign began. In total, more than 750,000 doses were administered by the establishment, particularly at the Palais des Congrès site in Montreal.

“For an unprecedented health crisis, there’s an unparalleled response. It’s an incredible move,” recalls Danny Raymond, a communications consultant.

While he acknowledges that some workers can earn more than $500 a day, he notes that the average wage is about $40 an hour.

In the Ministry of Health, it is mentioned that CISSSs are the ones who manage the payroll.

“These people’s salaries are determined by their diploma level and professional experience gained in their original job title”, notes Marie-Hélène Émond by email.

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