CRTC Job Opportunity | The Journal of Montreal

CRTC Job Opportunity |  The Journal of Montreal

Re: Hunting commissioner with biased comments

Since the explosion of social media and internet radio beyond the CRTC’s control, and the arrival of GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) who ignore Canadian regulations, we’ve been laughing at us. Refusing to pay even their fair dues, the august organization set up to clean up the Canadian airwaves finds a lot of free time on its hands.

So we have decided to reorganize our mission.

From now on, the CRTC will devote most of its staff to hunting down racist, homophobic, transphobic comments that destroy Canada’s airwaves and damage Canada’s reputation abroad.

As part of this restructuring, we are opening up the position of Hunting Commissioner to non-partisan comments.

Requirements for getting a job

Applicants for this post must be white and above 50 years of age.

In fact, our studies show that whites are more likely than blacks to overreact when they hear a word that, taken out of context, has soft ears and passes over racism.

This may be explained by the overwhelming guilt whites feel for the continuation of the heinous crimes committed by their ancestors on the cotton plantations of Manitoba and Charlevoix.

And, with the fear of being seen as old geezers and out of touch, white people over 50 are more receptive to new trendy ideas than any other demographic group, even the most insane.

Who danced first? YMCA And In the Navy, the villagers, with their goofy gestures that accompany every song? Old!

Who was the first to learn the steps of Macarena and Gangnam Style? Old ones again!

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More than the young, the old (who want to show everyone they’re still young and still got it) show themselves mercilessly to violators of CRTC regulations.

One only has to look at the photos of Radio-Canada’s top executives and the majority of cultural organizations to see that there is nothing better than a white man over 50, slightly chubby, diligently applying. Even a certain zeal, in very silly terms.


The discriminatory speech hunt commissioner will lead a 75-member panel that will listen to everything said on Canadian radio.

Equipped with a 672-page guide to all the banned expressions (such as “Black World”, “Indian Summer” and “Black Hole”), they will try to clean up the Canadian radio and television landscape. Totally agree with Grand Helmsman Trudeau II’s vision of our beautiful and great country.

B.S. It should be noted that, according to paragraph 2.2.9, charges of discrimination do not apply to insults aimed at French-speaking Quebecers.

We are waiting for your CV!

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