Decrease in 30 hospitals in Quebec

Decrease in 30 hospitals in Quebec

In Quebec’s hospitals, 1,222 patients have been positively reported to Covit-19, of which 69 are in intensive care.

There are 6 new deaths in the province, bringing the total number of people infected with the corona virus to 14,126 since the outbreak.

Situation in Quebec as of March 9, 2022

– 932,176 affected (+1,426) *

– 14,126 deaths (+6)

– 1222 people have been admitted to the hospital

* 67 inputs

* 97 publications

– 69 people are in intensive care

* 4 posts

* 12 publications

– 15,132 samples were taken;

– So far 104,709 self-reported quick tests including 81,757 positive: 417 reported yesterday including 319 positive.

– 4955 doses were added, i.e. 4942 in the last 24 hours and 13 before March 8, giving a total of 18,490,870 doses in Quebec.

– Outside Quebec, a total of 308,612 doses were administered, with a total of 18,799,482 doses received by Quebecs.

* The number of cases listed does not represent the situation, as access to screening centers is primarily for clients only.

Number of cases based on region

Lower St. Lawrence: 15,231

Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: 24,564

Capital-Nation: 74,444

Morrissey and Center-to-Quebec: 48,986

Eastern cities: 42,098

Montreal: 282,261

Outlook: 35,569

Abbitp-Demiscomming: 7745

North Coast: 5734

Northern Quebec: 1063

Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine: 5615

Saudier-Appalachians: 52,696

Laval: 66,154

Lanaudiere: 62,785

Lawrence: 69,708

Monterey: 129,909

Nunavic: 2716

Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 2240

Unknown: 4

Outside Quebec: 2619

Across Quebec: 932,176

Deaths by region

Lower St. Lawrence: 107

Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: 358

National Capital: 1398

Mauricie-et-Center-du-Québec: 869

Eastern cities: 540

Montreal: 5330

Outdoors: 288

Abbitp-Demiscomming: 70

North Bank: 35

Northern Quebec: 4

Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 57

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Saudier-Appalachians: 545

Laval: 1047

Lanadier: 722

Laurentians: 701

Monterey: 2029

Nunavic: 10

Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 14

Unknown: 0

Outside Quebec: 2

Across Quebec: 14,126

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