Deer killing is genocide!

Deer killing is genocide!

Last December 7, during a city council meeting in Longueuil, a woman protesting the killing of the famous deer in Michel-Chartrand Park drew a parallel between the slaughter of these animals and the Israeli massacre by Hamas on October 7.

• Read more: Too many deer in the east have caused 103 road accidents in three years in Montreal.

“Can you see the eyes of the mothers of the chicks when they are pierced by arrows and they lie on top of their babies to protect them? the girl asked, crying. Perhaps their children are dying themselves with arrows in their bodies.”

“We have to mention all these horror photos that were released after the massacre in Israel… Was the mayor involved in this murder?”

During this meeting, a psychologist specializing in animal therapy took the microphone and told the residents of Longueil that they need psychological support to deal with their grief and the feeling of helplessness caused by this situation.

Breathe through your nose

You will say that this is a short story.

Yeah, right, right.

But it's a story that says a lot about what's happening in the West.

Some people lose it completely.

Are you told to wear a mask when entering a restaurant to protect yourself and others during a pandemic?

The far right organizes a “Freedom March” and screams fascism and totalitarianism!

Are you saying that governments should take our reception capacity into account when setting immigration limits?

Far left activists are calling you racist and bigoted!

Big words right away…

Yesterday, the National Post The toxic polarization in the political landscape has produced an interesting speech about climate, but also the public conversation.

See also  Quebecers were deeply concerned about the loss of biodiversity

Our reactions are becoming less rational and more emotional, many social scientists observe.

We lose our sense of proportion.

Previously, members of the “other side” were considered enemies. Now they are considered enemies.

Now, you don't argue with an opponent, you don't argue with him. You crush it.

Add to that the fact that Westerners have become so comfortable that they view any criticism as a “micro-aggression” and that any law or regulation is a preemptive attack on the rights and liberties of citizens, and you end up with people saying it. Killing deer to control overpopulation is genocide.

I think we're in for a big yoga session.

Hey, we should ask Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau how to breathe through our noses.

Inhaling… Exhaling… Namaste.


It cannot continue like this.

We need to relearn how to debate left and right.

Because this hyper-polarized climate – created and fueled by social media – prevents us from moving forward and leads absolutely nowhere.

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