Destiny 2
With Destiny 2 players complaining about the raid being too close to the campaign launch, Bungie has come out to explain exactly what's going on, and here's what I thought it was about the final story of the Light and Darkness saga.
Destiny 2 Expansion Project Leader Catarina Macedo He took to Twitter to explain why this happened:
“Hey everyone! Want to talk about why we're launching The Final Shape so soon after its release on June 7th? We know this is a difficult transition and we wanted to share some context on why we made this decision. Last August, we said that ending the campaign would not be Serving as the grand finale to the Light and Darkness saga you will encounter the Witness in the raid, and for non-raiders there will be a chance for everyone to experience the outcome at some point after the raid.
“The Final Shape Expansion is Different: Additional content in the post-Pale Heart campaign and opening up the raid to everyone is important for a cohesive and satisfying story experience. We're looking at you Raiders to be the tip of the spear. When raid day arrives, regardless of whether you choose to enter Contest Mode In the first 48 hours or wait until Normal mode unlocks, in order to experience the story linearly and as intended, you need to complete the campaign and finish the “Wild Card” mission Prioritize these!
In short, the reason The Raid is so close is because the expansion's epilogue explaining the final fates of the Witness and the Traveler can't be delayed until a reset or ten days from launch or something that would kill the expansion's momentum.
Destiny 2
Later, Bungie confirmed the actual timeline for how The Final Shape will launch, in terms of the mission raid structure:
1) Start with seven campaign missions
2) Players complete the “Wild Card” quest (unclear what this is)
3) The raid launches on Friday, three days after launch (Macedo says players will start making progress on artifacts from day one of release).
4) The eighth and final campaign story mission takes place after the raid and will likely be the actual final showdown against the Witness, rather than the raid itself ending its story. I have to believe it's because Bungie doesn't just want a small percentage of the population, the day one raiders, to end the story with the world's first race, which makes sense.
5) The following week at Reset, the first episode, Echoes, is released, a Vex-focused story that will be split into three parts over the course of four months. It's unclear if there are lingering, unknown missions from Final Shape itself besides this.
So, I think that clears things up, and I understand the need for the raid to be close to launch so that the story can be finished by the end of the weekend instead of being delayed. It wouldn't make sense to get complete The campaign before the raid, and let the raid itself end the story.
Prepare accordingly, you have a month and a half left to strategize.
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