Diablo 4 developers say that a future update will fix annoying gems

Diablo 4 developers say that a future update will fix annoying gems

If you kill your way through the dungeons Diablo IV Lately, you’ve probably killed a lot of monsters, found a lot of loot, and also ended up with half a dozen (or more) gems in your inventory taking up space that weapons and armor could take up. This can be annoying, and some players have asked for a gem bag. While this is not happening, Blizzard understands the frustration and has confirmed that change is coming in the future.

Released earlier this monthDiablo IV is the latest RPG in Blizzard’s long-running Demon Slayer series. While I wish the game had an extra skill slot Players complained about it Some problems with XPIn general, the game’s release has been smoother than most of the big games in 2023, as well Diablo 3Historically bad launch. But even a great game can be improved, and Blizzard today acknowledged that gems cause a lot of “stock jitters” in the current state of the game.


In the first snowstorm Diablo IV camp chat-– A video series where the developers will talk about upcoming updates and answer community questions – Game Director Joe Shelley Confirm that the team is aware of the gem issue And he has a fix on the way. But it’s not just a gem bag or a tab of gems.

“The idea is to change the way you get gems so that they appear in the materials or currency tab, rather than in your inventory,” Shelley explained. “And then the way it would work is you craft gems the same way you do today, and you use a certain amount of that material, similar to the amount of equivalent actual gem inventory slots that are used now, but as materials.”

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When did Blizzard change the way gems work? Diablo IV?

What this should mean is that your inventory will not be filled with unused gems after each dungeon because they will live alongside your other crafting materials. (Which is how this should have worked in the first place…)

But don’t expect that change to happen too soon, as Shely was clear that this is something that won’t be added to the game until “around season two.” with the seasons in Diablo IV It lasts about three months The first one starts sometime in JulyThis change of gems likely won’t happen until October or even early November. Still, it’s nice to hear something is going on.

During the live broadcast, it was also confirmed that the crafting resource limits will be increased, which should help people hoard more gems when the change in how they are stored begins in a few months. In the meantime, I’ll keep throwing them in my stash.


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