Season 3 arrived on Tuesday, January 23
Diablo 4 players were fed up with the loot in Season 3, calling it “boring” and “boring.” Instead, they're asking for more creativity from developers and better all-round loot grading.
Diablo 4's final season, Season of the Construct, has seen its fair share of detractors since its launch. There were many bugs with bosses, complaints about the Seneschal, and disappointment with the new Vault mechanic as well.
Although Blizzard seems to be trying to address players' concerns with each new patch, not every issue can be solved with a quick hotfix.
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The final complaint from players is much larger mechanically than a bug with a boss or tweaking a companion's stats. It's the booty.
Blizzard addressed player complaints about the Seneschal Companion in the latest patch.
“I was going through my inventory full of rare items and legends, and I just started falling asleep.” One of the players said In his thread on Reddit regarding stolen items. He has continued to generate a great deal of discussion with many other players echoing his sentiments.
“Looting is dull and boring. There aren't any fun items that drop in D4. There's just too much of it and nothing to get excited about.” One user agreed.
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Blizzard recently increased the amount of loot dropped in dungeons, but for some of the player base, quantity isn't the issue. It's the quality of the drops. Many users have drawn comparisons to other ARPGs, with some even pointing out that Diablo 2's innovative loot design was a big draw to the game, and players still play today.
“We're playing the yellow spoils game.” said another, list the aspects they did not enjoy; The truth about legendary items is “mere fodder for the industry.” and that most loot was simply stat-focused, claiming that “there's not enough loot that changes the way you play.”
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Even though Blizzard has increased the amount of loot dropped from dungeons, players are still not satisfied.
“Everyone is drooling over the Shaco D4 and yet this is one of them [the] “The most boring elements in the game” said another. “A combination of skills and damage control, how creative.”
Whether Blizzard intends to address this player-specific issue is anyone's guess. But it has definitely become a talking point.
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