Discussion in French: Education and treatment attract attention

Discussion in French: Education and treatment attract attention

None of the leaders of the major parties speak French enough to participate in the debate.

The debate, organized by Radio-Canada and the TFO, brought together four candidates:

  • Carolyn Mulroney, Minister of Francophone Affairs and candidate of the Progressive Conservative Party
  • Frances Kelinas, exit member of the New Democratic Party (NDP)
  • Amanda Smart, the outgoing Liberal Party MP
  • Cara des Grange, Green Party candidate

Madame des Grange is the only newcomer.

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Hello And Thanks

Three of the four party leaders tried to record the welcome speech in French. New Democrats Andrea Harvard and Liberal Steven del Duga took the opportunity to reaffirm their party’s promises to the Francophones.

Mike Schreiner, leader of the Green Party, started in French, which is not understood in English, and his intervention proved that education in French needed better funding.

Progressive Conservative Doug Ford was only satisfied with the salutation and gratitude, and recalled in English the actions and promises of his government, including the reform of the French Language Services Act, before adding that they were French speakers. One of the best assets A native of Ontario.

Is Francophone University in the north?

Due to the loss of French programs in the north Financial problems at Laurentian University A similar response came from all three opposition parties: they support the creation of a French-speaking university, a Project led by Sutbury University.

Liberal candidate Amanda Smart answers a question during a televised debate.

Amanda Smart, Liberal candidate

Photo: Radio-Canada

Liberal Amanda Smart said the Ford government was already aware of Laurence’s problems with the company. Place under the protection of the law About arrangements with the companies’ creditors, but did nothing.

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“French programs are going to be curtailed and you know the French language services law will not be respected,” he said. We also waited for the Commissioner’s report [aux services en français] For knowledge. That should have been a signal. ⁇

For us, what happened in Laurence was a disasterThe new Democrats representing Riding in the north of the province were started by France Gelinas.

Carolyn Mulroney answers a question during the candidate debate.

Progressive Conservative candidate Carolyn Mulroney says the Ford government is taking action.

Photo: Radio-Canada

Carolyn Mulroney explained that the government has recommended the University of Sutbury file to the Post-Secondary Education Quality Assessment Commission to determine whether it can be autonomous.

Mrs. Mulroney says the process is movingMrs. Zelinas replied, But Sutbury University applied for funding in October 2021 and did not receive a single penny from the provincial government..

Freedom of the Auditor

All three opposition parties have promised to restore the autonomy of the French language services commissioner if they form a government.

The progressive conservatives put it Under the charge of the Ombudsman’s Office. Mulroney argued The office was successfully integrated with the Ombudsman’s Office With all previous investigative powers. She feels the current commissioner is doing her job Honesty And Biting.

NDP candidate Franz Kelinas explains his point during the debate.

France Kelinas, NDP candidate

Photo: Radio-Canada

The big difference between the ombudsman’s office and the independent French language services commissioner, who is an independent official of the legislature, is the powers.Ms. Gélinas argued that an independent commissioner could investigate the matter without waiting for a complaint.

Cara des Granzs of the Green Party also stressed the importance of the commissioner’s independence.

What we’ve seen with the Ford government is that it is afraid to see expertsHe said the Ford government had removed the Environmental Commissioner [Dianne Saxe, ancienne commissaire, est chef adjointe et candidate du Parti vert, NDLR].

A meeting to be held

The bronchophone debate is becoming a tradition. That’s a good thingCarol Jolin, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Francophonie, Ontario, is delighted.

This allows the bronchophone to hold the lens; I think it is necessaryMichael Trembley, director of the Francophone Seniors and Retirees Association, believes in his role.

Candidates are Carolyn Mulroney, Franz Gelinas, Cara des Grange and Amanda Smart.

Candidates are Carolyn Mulroney, Franz Gelinas, Cara des Grange and Amanda Smart.

Photo: Radio-Canada

However, he condemns the lack of a policy on aging on party platforms. Remember that not everyone is sick., He points out. He would have wanted the candidates to make a firm commitment regarding services in French.

According to Carol Jole, the issues discussed during the debate, including secondary education, immigration, staff shortages and inflation, were relevant, and the phonographs allowed parties to hear what they were proposing and be willing to choose.

Elections are always a great opportunity to advance the Francophone issues, Mr. Jolin adds that because the parties have to take a stand, make promises and when the decision is made we will go to see the winning party and remind them. Pledges made.

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With information from Kamil Chris-Roy

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