Does Spring Cleaning Last on the Streets of Montreal?

Does Spring Cleaning Last on the Streets of Montreal?

With the arrival of spring and the melting of snow, some of the streets in Montreal look like open spaces.

Read more: The secret of a clean city center

Read more: Montreal Introduces Its Spring Cleaning

Cups, newspapers, masks and all sorts of rubbish pile up on the sidewalks of many of the city’s metropolises.

“It’s not bad ‘dirty’. It takes people everywhere,” believes a citizen who met TVA Novelles.

“With masks, they are plentiful on the sidewalks, which does not make the city beautiful,” adds a second.

“Currently it’s not very clean, but like every year. I imagine the city will recover in the coming weeks,” said one-third, though sophisticated.

On the city side of Montreal, it is explained that the task of cleaning the street, which is expected to last six weeks, began two weeks ago.

So all the departments have not been visited yet as per the management.

The city says it is appointing upgraded teams and will focus on incoming calls to 311 people in this regard.

This Easter weekend seems to be cleaning up only in the city center where the cleanup brigade is located.

An organization that many in other parts of the city want to see.

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