Dominic Anglate condemns the unequal treatment imposed on female politicians

Dominic Anglate condemns the unequal treatment imposed on female politicians

Also, as the official Leader of the Opposition, when you have to face Prime Minister Franசois Legault in Parliament every day, things will not get better.

This feminist journey, a real cry from the heart, came from Dominic Angled, the leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ), who believes that being a woman is unrelated to the setbacks caused by her party in the fall of independence. Polls and the Prime Minister’s attitude towards him.

He’s a patriarchal person, that’s for sure., He said during a lengthy interview with The Canadian Press at the Quebec Hotel after a difficult week for his party. Said of Legalt. Thus, during the Mary-Victor by-election, on Monday, the PLQ had to settle for fifth place and a disgraceful 7% of popular support.

On the evening of his party’s victory in Mary-Victorine, the Cubs said they did not want to see him. Mrs. Anglet did not appreciate Legalt’s opinion at all. Throw in the mud In the file of CHSLD Heron, dozens of seniors died in horrific conditions during the first wave of infection. We have reached the sewer! Then Mr. Legalt said he was annoyed day by day by questions from the official opposition leader.

Ms Angle believes the Prime Minister has exceeded the target and has not given her one Reasonable treatment of facts. So is it patriarchal, inferior, sexual? AbsolutelyShe answers.

We count How many opposition leaders have been treated as whining in the last 20 years?Whereas if she allows herself to criticize the government Sure, [on dira] “She’s aggressive” or “She complains”Instead of qualifying it as firm or convincing.

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He is there, proThat is, when it comes to a woman, she says, she refuses to pretend to be a victim, in a strange, difficult, negative way.

This attitude makes her very sad, especially since she believes that she will still be able to control herself in the National Assembly, and she firmly believes that she will not be forgiven for the slightest mistake, a clumsy word, an outburst of anger.

However, he would sometimes get angry when asked about the Prime Minister’s thoughts, for example, in a closed microphone in February, saying that in February, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Franுவாois Paradis, was from Quebec. There was a caquist. That day, she says she uttered some swear words but swallowed her anger. She decided Do not show anything In front of the media, if she had revealed the bottom line of her intentions she was sure she would have passed out frantically. In the slightest burst, she passes by an aggressive person, which annoys her.

Mr. He believes that Legald treats the men and women around him differently. It is clear that he passes the towel very easily to menReferring to the three women who have filled the panel of ministers since the beginning of the CAQ order, she said the judges, namely MarieChantal Chassé, Sylvie D’Amours and Marie-eve Proulx. No male minister has had the same fate, some have struggled.

He cites the case of Economy Minister Pierre Fitzgerald, who is still in office despite being repeatedly ignored by ethics commissioners. I, for one, could never have done Pierre Fitzgerald This former finance minister, who was in the Cooler cabinet, says he was a minister and continued to be. Did not passBecause we do not accept that a female politician can find herself in troubled waters.

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I have very little room for error One politician, the Liberal leader, firmly believes that women are not unlike men Free ticket.

He argues that to change this trend, we must do All place Women’s political leadership and it’s snowing in all sectors of society.

Perfect female syndrome

Knowing that they have no room for maneuver, female politicians try to be less than right, the Liberal leader notes.

She says she has been victimized like many women who have tried to make a mark in politics Infallible Syndrome: That, I have.

So he was cautious in his interventions.

Except for this reflex, It controls you in the way you express yourself in everything you can be, in everything you can say. In short, it is Prevents you from being natural.

She also says she observes Two types between person [qu’elle est] And perception People towards him. A gap between the general image and the real person.

However, every time I meet someone, that person’s comment, “I don’t feel that way to you” is not completely normal.

As the election deadline approaches, he, who has been leading his party for almost two years, wants to get more involved in the field in order to find people. True Dominic Angled to the electorate.

Regions largely ignored the PLQ in 2018. It has relied heavily on the charter of the regions in particular to win back the votes of the francophones by begging to increase the devolution of powers. The first announcement in this regard will be made in the Trois-Rivières on Thursday.

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The Liberal leader says he wants to return to the party’s core values, including economic growth. Its vision is to integrate the struggle against economic development, wealth creation and climate change into a coherent whole.

She is well aware that she has only a few more months to recover. The challenge is huge but excitingShe says.

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