Doug Ford invites Quebec nurses to practice in Ontario

Doug Ford invites Quebec nurses to practice in Ontario

Ford singled out Quebec health workers in his appeal and praised Ontario’s quality of life.

Like other provinces, Ontario is facing staffing shortages in hospitals, especially.

[Les infirmières] Working in Ontario doesn’t have to worry about red tape. »

A quote Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario

According to a report, the government must introduce legislative changes in February to allow Canadian health workers to:

  • Practice in Ontario immediately without first registering with Ontario’s health regulatory colleges.
  • If they have the knowledge, skill and judgment to work outside their usual responsibilities or circles.

In addition to nurses, Ontario wants to add more paramedics and respiratory therapists.

No financial incentives

The Ford government does not offer bonuses for training in Ontario from other provinces.

New NDP leader Marit Stiles says recruitment efforts will be undermined. A quasi-wage freeze imposed by progressive conservatives.

The government has taken it to court to control the salaries of health workers. It’s not very inviting. »

A quote Marit Stiles, NDP MP

Same story with Green Party leader Mike Schreiner.

To solve the health crisis, the Ford government must pay workers fair wages. »

A quote Green Party of Ontario (press release)

Ontario already has Facilitated recruitment of internationally trained nurses It will help address the current workforce shortage.

Reaction of doctors and nurses

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario points out that there are already “fast-track” ways for Canadian doctors to become licensed to practice in Ontario, including the Canadian Free Trade Agreement that came into force in 2017. Ad hoc registration mechanism, developed recently.

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According to college spokesman Shay Greenfield, a license to practice will be issued in five days under these expedited conditions. We look forward to working with the government to better understand the details [des nouvelles mesures]He wrote in a statement.

For its part, the College of Nursing of Ontario said it would provide more information When they are available.

The College protects the public by promoting safe nursing practicespokeswoman Christy Green said in a statement. We are working with the Ontario government to make changes to the health care system to ensure patients receive safe care.

No target

The government isn’t aiming to recruit workers from other provinces, but Ford says Ontario needs “as many” nurses as possible.

A highly skilled health worker from British Columbia or Nova Scotia should not face career breaks or barriers to practicing in Ontario.Ontario Health Minister Sylvia Jones said in a statement.

Relaxing rules for workers from other provinces would give Ontario hospitals more flexibility to fill vacancies or hire more workers during the Covid-19 pandemic, he says.

Healthcare workers from the United States cannot take advantage of this initiative to practice their profession in Ontario.

As of Jan. 1, nearly 10,600 nurses have applied for registration, according to data from the College of Nurses of Ontario. Applications from candidates from other provinces represent a minority.

Ontario: 4231

Rest of Canada: 195

International: 6172

Of the 12,600 licensed to practice last year, only 646 practiced in other provinces and territories.

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