Dwayne Johnson bought Snickers Bars at the Hawaii 7-Eleven location to make up for previous shoplifting

Dwayne Johnson bought Snickers Bars at the Hawaii 7-Eleven location to make up for previous shoplifting

Dwayne Johnson buys stock of Snickers bars at a Hawaii 7-Eleven location to make up for stealing them when he was younger

  • Johnson, 50, visited a convenience store to right the wrong of his past
  • He said he stole Snickers bars every day for a year
  • The representative paid for Snickers Store inventory and other customers’ tabs

Dwayne Johnson is making up for past mistakes.

On Monday, the 50-year-old star took to Instagram to document a visit to the 7-Eleven store in Hawaii where he used to shoplift as a teenager — this time buying up Snickers store inventory while picking up tabs for surprise and starstruck customers.

The wrestler-turned-actor said in the post’s caption that when he was 14, he routinely popped out king-sized Snickers every day from 7-11 for about a year while heading to a workout at the gym.

“The same employee was there every day and always turned her head and never broke me,” the Black Adam star explained.

He continued, “I’ve played out a few big demons over the years. I know this one sounds pretty silly, but every time I’m back in Hawaii and driving up at 7-11… I always knew I needed to come in and clean out every Snickers Bar they had – the right way.

“It was so much fun taking care of everyone who walked into the 7-11 while I was there,” Johnson said, “because it was the least he could do considering all the s*** [he] He used to steal from here.

He said the time frame was close when his family was evicted from their home in Hawaii amid financial troubles.

The actor smiled as he removed the stock of Snickers in the store

The actor smiled as he removed the stock of Snickers in the store

The Black Adam actor put dozens of Snickers bars on the counter

The Black Adam actor put dozens of Snickers bars on the counter

Johnson picked up a tab in the $300 range including Snickers and tabs for customers

Johnson picked up a tab in the $300 range including Snickers and tabs for customers

Johnson reflected on his past mistakes, saying, ‘We can’t change the past and some of the stupid things we might have done, but every now and then we can add a little note of grace to this situation – and maybe put a big smile on the faces of some strangers.

In the accompanying clip, Johnson is seen in a black tank top with the Brahma Bull logo on it, black shorts, black sneakers, and sunglasses.

He walked into the store and bought about $300 in Snickers and other items for customers. He also guided the staff to process the massive purchase.

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He told the writer: Thank you very much. I appreciate you. If someone seems to be stealing your Snickers, give them these so they don’t steal it.

In the accompanying clip, Johnson is seen in a black tank top with the Brahma Bull logo on it and black shorts, black sneakers and sunglasses.

In the accompanying clip, Johnson is seen in a black tank top with the Brahma Bull logo on it and black shorts, black sneakers and sunglasses.

Johnson posed with the staff at the store

Johnson posed with the staff at the store

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