[EN DIRECT] Justin Trudeau used the emergency law

[EN DIRECT] Justin Trudeau used the emergency law

Justin Trudeau’s government implemented the emergency law after consulting with provincial prime ministers on Monday morning.

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He said law enforcement would “strengthen and support police work” in areas of need in the country.

“I want to be very clear: these measures will be time-bound and geographically targeted. They will be reasonable and commensurate with the threats to Canada’s security,” he told a news conference on Monday afternoon.

“We do not use the emergency measures law to maintain the military,” he said. We do not suspend the fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Liberation, nor do we restrict the right to freedom of expression or the right to protest peacefully, ”he added.

On Sunday evening, Mr. with the Cabinet. The meeting between the prime ministers took place following an initial emergency meeting held by Trudeau to discuss the issue.

Prime Minister Trudeau’s press conference is expected at 4:30 pm on Monday. He is accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Christiaan Freeland and Justice Minister David Lametti.

Emergency measures law does not imply immediate deployment of troops. Last Friday, Justin Trudeau stressed that military intervention was “the last resort”.

Convoy organizer Tamara Lich promised yesterday that the new heavy trucks would arrive on Wellington Street just outside Parliament at 1.30pm. These were parked in residential areas.

Legault opposes it

For his part, Franுவாois Legald “did not want” to see the Emergency Operations Act applied in the territory of Quebec, which, according to him, was a federal decision to throw away “fuel”.

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“We think it’s not necessary. In Quebec last weekend, the police forces and Sûreté du Québec were able to take control. Secondly, I think it’s time to unite the Cubes, not separate them,” he explained at a news conference.

Other provincial chiefs, including Jason Kenny of Alberta and Scott Mo of Saskatchewan, also spoke out Monday against the expected federal move.

Exception to the rule: Doug Ford, Ontario Premier, on Monday pledged that “the federal government will support any plan to bring law and order to our province and to ensure our businesses and transactions with the world.” .

“The world is watching us to see if this is a sustainable environment for opening up businesses and expanding them,” he stressed, reiterating that the locks are detrimental to “hundreds of thousands of families and millions of jobs.”

  • Listen to an interview with Chandel Ford, a resident of Ottawa, on Philip-Vincent Fossie’s microphone on QUB Radio:

First for over fifty years

Since 1988, when Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney amended a law formerly known as the War Act, the implementation of this measure requires prior consultation with the prime ministers of the provinces.

Yves-François Blanket, head of Bloc Québécois, responded that “the prime minister must obtain a transparent agreement between the provinces and Quebec, subject to the powers accepted by the government under the Emergency Measures Act.” The party will table a motion on the same day.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on Monday said he would support the implementation of the emergency law if it ever gets on the agenda.

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But Ottawa has come to the point of considering such a move as “acknowledging the leadership failure of the Prime Minister.” Singh said.

The politicization of the vaccine issue by liberals and conservatives has led to “distorting confidence in our institutions.”

– Vincent Lauren, in collaboration with QMI Agency

  • Listen to the meeting of political analysts Elsie Lefebvre and Marc-Andre Leclerc on QUB Radio

See also

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