[EN IMAGES] The Pierre-Laporte Bridge continues to deteriorate

[EN IMAGES] The Pierre-Laporte Bridge continues to deteriorate

The Pierre-Laporte Bridge continues to deteriorate: corrosion, cracking, deformation and corrosion of many strands of suspension cables, according to a recent study by Minister des Transport.

Newspaper I was able to catch the findings of experts available for a few days. The behavior code of the structure, which reflects the level of safety of the bridge, is 92.9 per 100, although many photos do not confirm it. User security is not compromised.

Also, the bridge is not on the gift list Newspaper Releases tomorrow due to its good condition.

However, according to the general condition code, the bridge needs to be repaired.

Yet in deck structure, concepts mainly refer to corrosion at the level of the lower soles.

Photo courtesy, Ministry of Transport

Yet in deck structure, concepts mainly refer to corrosion at the level of the lower soles.

This number, between 0 and 100, gives a good idea of ​​the general condition of the bridge. It is made up of many symbols, especially seismic impact, the condition of the structure and its ability to play its role. The lower the code, the more vulnerable the bridge is.

Over the past two years, this key figure has not diminished. This is very stable since it was 92.1 out of 100 in 2019.

In deck architecture, we are talking specifically about weld cracking.

Photo courtesy, Ministry of Transport

In deck architecture, we are talking specifically about weld cracking.

On November 10, 2020, the Ministry released a public inspection report conducted by nine engineers from the CIMA + / Tetra Tech consortium. The next is planned for 2022. Two years ago, this report generated a lot of reactions.

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“Keep the bridge in good condition”

Emily Lord, a spokeswoman for the Department of Transportation, noted that the report confirms that efforts should continue to keep the bridge in good condition.

“It’s an old bridge. Like the house, the necessary maintenance needs to be done. The report says it should continue. There was work this summer and it will still be there until December.”

Many signs of degeneration

The building, built in 1970, shows many signs of decay. However, MTQ states that these are not signs of “accelerated” degradation. The Laporte Bridge soon became 52 years old, while its neighbor Quebec Bridge opened 102 years ago.

Engineers have noted that, among other things, it is necessary to closely follow the oblique crack in the north face of the beam 7 of the span 2.

There is corrosion on the suspension bridge and the articulation arm, mainly at the base, on the anchors and steel rods.

Photo courtesy, Ministry of Transport

There is corrosion on the suspension bridge and the articulation arm, mainly at the base, on the anchors and steel rods.

In one part of the suspension bridge, the cable and parts of the cable, except for the presence of moisture in the cable, there is corrosion in the seal of the chamber. Some threads are also broken under the guide plates of some lines. These faults can reduce the load-bearing capacity.

As for the deck structure, the engineers point to the permanent decay of the basement underneath.

Regarding bracing, observations point to some local permanent distortions. In civil engineering, bracing is a standard system that ensures overall stability.

Erosion and cracking

There are “significant traces of the impact of ice removal tools” on the joints.

The batteries did not drain. We are talking about “mortar decay”, “vertical cracks in the stone” and “some corners of the exploded stones”. The retainer suffers from “corrosion and holes in some rails and posts”, engineers write.

On the retainer and middle rail, engineers noted corrosion in some drain and rail terminal openings.

Photo courtesy, Ministry of Transport

On the retainer and middle rail, engineers noted corrosion in some drain and rail terminal openings.

Last summer, the Pierre-Laporte Bridge was partially closed twice, with only one lane accessible in each direction. This work was used to replace the waterproof membrane of the bridge, which was pre-eroded.

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