Five of the most breathtaking images from NASA’s Webb Telescope

Five of the most breathtaking images from NASA’s Webb Telescope

Since the first images from NASA’s new James Webb surfaced in July, a steady stream of stunning images have been unleashed by the pioneering telescope.

The $10 billion James Webb Telescope, which replaced the old Hubble Telescope and launched into space in December 2021, has captured distant galaxies, glowing stars light years away and a new image of Jupiter.

Here are five of the most stunning photos James Webb has taken so far.

Southern Ring Nebula

NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

One of the most popular sites on the web is . Southern Ring Nebulawhich were among Webb’s first images released on July 12.

Webb captured the remains of a white dwarf – the remains of a star that burned all its nuclear fuel and expelled its outer shell into a planetary nebula.

The telescope collects images in infrared light. Compared to Hubble, the James Webb Telescope can capture space in the infrared with much greater power, “providing never-before-seen views of the universe,” NASA officials wrote on the agency’s website.

NASA has released an image of the Southern Ring Nebula in near-infrared (NIRcam) and mid-infrared (MIRcam) light, with the former closer to the visible wavelength that the normal human eye can see, making its images much hotter and high-resolution.

However, the MIRcam can capture things in more detail. For example, the mid-infrared image of the Southern Ring Nebula shows a clearer image of a bright star, shining in the background behind the white dwarf.

cosmic slopes

Across NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Another popular image is cosmic slopes The edge of a star-forming region that NASA has compared to “rocky mountains on a moonlit evening.”

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A young star-forming region called NGC 3324 lies more than 7,000 light-years away in the Carina Nebula. NASA images of this spot in the universe show a massive gas cavity at the edge of NGC 3324 in an orange and blue combined image.

“The cavernous region of the nebula has been sculpted by the intense ultraviolet radiation and stellar winds from the hot, massive young stars in the center of the bubble,” the officials wrote on the website.

At NIRcam, viewers can see hundreds of stars hidden from the normal human eye, as well as many galaxies shimmering in the background.

NGC 3324 was first recorded by astronomer James Dunlop in 1826.

cart wheel galaxy

NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

this is August 2 photos The Chariot Wheel Galaxy resembles the bright red galactic ferris wheel in space.

The Cartwheel Galaxy formed about 400 million years ago, as a result of high-speed collisions. Webb captured it forming in a “transition,” because images of the universe that are light years away stare back in time, due to the time it takes to access and record them.

This spiral galaxy consists of two rings, a brighter inner ring and a colorful outer ring, according to NASA. Inside the wheel are bright red rims or streaks caused by glowing hydrocarbon-rich dust.


NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

web Latest photo released this week It is a wonderful picture of the Earth’s neighbor in the solar system.

Composite of three filters, the image of Jupiter shows “fog swirling around the north and south poles” of the gaseous planetary giant.

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It also highlights the Great Red Spot, a storm so large that it will swallow up Earth, in a large white band around the gas giant.

Emke de Pater, a UC Berkeley professor emeritus who co-led the Jupiter observations, said the team was surprised by the planet’s details.

“We didn’t expect it to be this good,” Butter said in a statement on the NASA Blog. “It’s really cool that we can see details about Jupiter with its rings, little moons, and even galaxies in one picture.”

Galaxy SMACS 0723 collection

NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

This image appears a little fuzzy, it is amazing because it shows thousands of galaxies in a distant group known as SMAX 0723.

This image, among the first images Webb released on July 12, is the first deep-field image from the telescope.

In the center of the picture is a bright white elliptical galaxy that outshines the rest, the pointed arms of which are stretched in five directions. Surrounded by galaxies of all shapes and sizes, it floods the picture and shows how huge the universe is.

This photo was a milestone, NASA Wrote In July, he showed how Webb will “allow future researchers to catalog the minute structures of galaxies in the early universe, which may ultimately reshape our understanding of how galaxies have changed and evolved over billions of years.”

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