Free Quebec in Canada!

Free Quebec in Canada!

One Christmas, when I was a boy, my father bought me a small battery-powered car.

It’s not a remote control car, no (that’s too expensive), just a plastic car that moves forward when you press a button.

As soon as the car hits a wall, it moves backwards, forwards and hits the wall again.

She recoiled, then lunged forward and crashed into the wall again.

She recoiled, then lunged forward and crashed into the wall again.

Until you pick up the damn car and move.

Well, this car is CAQ autonomous.

Draw me a plan

You present your demands to the central government, the central government sends you, you withdraw.

Then you present your demands to the central government, the central government sends you, you withdraw.

Then you present your demands to the central government, the central government sends you, you withdraw.


Can you please change the strategy?

Because something tells me this strategy won’t work.

After careful consideration (and some poor polling), CAQ came up with another idea…

“Instead of always facing denials from Ottawa, we’re going to take the Canadian constitution, we’re going to put it through a scan and see if there’s any holes in it that would allow us to change it. Inside…’

It is called the “Consultative Committee on Constitutional Problems in Quebec within the Canadian Confederation”.

Or: “Since we don’t know what to do next, let’s ask experts to write our plan for the next elections…”.


I imagine the government has freedom of choice in reading, right?

not right. François Legault didn’t want to know anything.

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As the PSPP points out, the government sees that we are at a dead end… but is unwilling to consider the only option that would allow us to break this dead end!

We are going to see if the current constitution allows us to be free, strong and independent within Canada…

Or – to use other words – the corset that Canada has imposed on us, we can’t even take a puff or two out in order to breathe easier.


Is that the plan?


We’re going to continue living at Mom and Dad’s house, but we’re going to see if we can’t build a direct entrance to the basement to give the impression that we’re independent.

In short, don’t give up everything…

“A salad, please!”

We want to benefit from all the benefits of being a country without taking any risks.

This is Quebec’s tragedy.

As Jean-Pierre Ferland said: We are angry.

We want to be fit without exercising.

Lose weight without changing our eating habits.

And go to heaven without dying.

Are Quebecers tired of this? Recent polls have the PQ in the lead, which would lead us to believe.

But that doesn’t mean anything.

We want sovereignty not because we are preparing to vote for a sovereign party.

You can walk into a steakhouse and order a salad.

We have already done…

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