Gangster Maninder Dhaliwal, friend killed in Canadian Vancouver shootout: The Tribune India

Gangster Maninder Dhaliwal, friend killed in Canadian Vancouver shootout: The Tribune India

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh 25th July

A guerrilla shootout in Canada’s Vancouver resulted in the deaths of gangster Maninder Dhaliwal and his friend Satinder Gill, according to a report in the Vancouver Sun.

According to the news, the deceased belonged to the “Brothers Guardians” gang.

Video shot of the place where a gangster and his assistant were shot.

“At the time of the shooting near the Sundial Hotel in the heart of the village of Whistler in Vancouver, gangster Maninder Dhaliwal, 29, was accompanied by his friend Satinder Gill, who was not involved in the gang,” the report said.

Dhaliwal died on the spot, while Jill succumbed to his injuries at a health center.

The integrated homicide investigation team confirmed late Sunday that the shooting was linked to the lower mainland gang dispute.

“Sea-to-Sky RCMP have been able to locate and arrest several individuals,” said Sgt. Timothy Pierrotty, adding that the burnt-out vehicle then found in the 3300 block of Ptarmigan Place was linked to the murders.

The incident comes ten days after the horrific murder of Repudhaman Singh Malik, after he was acquitted of the charges of bombing an Air India plane.

The last two victims were shot in broad daylight while sitting in a car in a public place like the Ripudaman Malik and as in that accident, a car was found burning nearby, according to media reports.

But the two incidents have not been linked by officials.

CTV reported, citing officials, that two people whose identities have not been publicly disclosed have been arrested in connection with the recent killings.

But there have been no arrests so far in the killing of Malik.

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Dhaliwal, along with his brother Barinder, were on a list of six men, four of Indian origin, released by the Vancouver Police Department last year as “gangsters” who “pose a significant risk to the safety of the public.” .

“Our police intelligence leads us to believe that the individuals we have identified today may be targeted by members of a rival gang,” Police Chief Adam Palmer warned while posting their photos.

The Vancouver Sun reported that Dhaliwal was a member of a gang known as the “Brothers Keeper” (BK), while Gill was not known for his gang involvement.

The newspaper’s website reported that Dhaliwal’s brother was killed last year in April.

CTV said the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) has confirmed that Dhaliwal and Gill have been targeted and that the shooting is linked to an ongoing gang conflict in the British Columbia region, which includes Vancouver.

The Sun said BK has been involved in violent struggles over the years with the gang known as the “United Nations” and with some members of the Red Scorpions.

She added that Dhaliwal’s brother Harb was killed last year outside a restaurant in Vancouver while he was with him and Parrinder.

It added that Maninder chased the gunman, Francoise Gauthier, and stabbed him in the eye, but did not face charges.

The Sun newspaper reported that Gauthier confessed last month in a Canadian court to the murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

She said both Maninder and Barinder had been shot several times in the past. (with IANS input)

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