Gaza: PLC employees threaten partial boycott | Middle East, eternal conflict

Gaza: PLC employees threaten partial boycott | Middle East, eternal conflict

After a major by-election loss in the Toronto-St. Pauls riding, the Liberal Party of Canada (PLC) is facing a protest movement within its political staff ahead of the by-election in LaSalle-Emmert-Verdun. The reason? The Liberal government’s position on the war in Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general.

Fifty-two Arab and Muslim staff working within the Liberal government sent a letter Leader of the Liberal Party In it, they announced that they would not participate in the by-election campaign of former Liberal minister David Lametty to retain the LaSalle-Emerd-Verdun seat left vacant by his resignation.

Signatories to the letter, a copy of which has been obtained by the CBC: Although many of us started our political careers as volunteers in elections, we can no longer, in good conscience, campaign for a party that marginalizes us and our values.

They also emphasize that subjects Pressure is mounting on Liberal staff to call and knock on voters’ doors.

Not only did the signatories stay out of the election campaign, they also received support from a group of influential Arab and Muslim donors to the Liberal Party known as the 100-GDA network, London, Ottawa, Montreal.

Last November, the group announced it was pulling out of the ranks of major donors to the Liberal Party over then-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reluctance to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

What staff are really trying to do is help wake up the Liberal Party, and that’s why we’re taking this extreme step.

A quote Hussain Hamdani is a founding member of this fundraising group

At the heart of their operation is the Gaza war

The workers indicate that they will not participate in activities as party members until the government changes its diplomatic posture Join our allies in openly condemning Israel for its numerous war crimes and the genocidal rhetoric of Israeli cabinet members..

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They also demand Canada Joins our allies, including Norway, Spain and Ireland, in recognizing the State of Palestine And Recognizes anti-Palestinian racism as a unique form of hate and works to address it in Canada.

The workers are demanding that the government revoke existing arms export permits to Israel and close loopholes that allow Canadian-made weapons to be shipped to third countries.

Finally, they demand the result Any collaboration between Canadian and Israeli researchers in research on military or dual-use technologies [civil et militaire].

In a statement, the Prime Minister’s Office did not directly address the demands made in the letter, but Canada continues to call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

The concept of double standards

Liberal MPs and staff, some of whom have relatives in Gaza, were reprimanded or told to keep their views to themselves, staff said. At the same time, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather criticized his own party and spoke openly about leaving after the House of Commons passed a motion in favor of a Palestinian state.

Anthony Housefather, Liberal MP for Mount Royal, speaks to reporters after arriving at a Liberal caucus meeting on December 13, 2023.

Photo: The Canadian Press / Sean Kilpatrick

Staff believe MP Housefather got a new appointment in July as Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on Anti-Semitism and Jewish Affairs.

We will cease our partisan activities until we are ashamed to tell our communities and families that we are actively campaigning for the Liberal Party.

A quote Excerpt from letter

The same group previously wrote a letter to Justin Trudeau in November 2023 calling for Canada to play a greater role in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The letter demanded changes, but did not threaten specific actions, such as refusing to campaign for the party.

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The new letter marks this latest attempt to influence government policy.

Over the past few months, we have expressed growing concern about human rights abuses suffered by Palestinians and advocated for a policy shift toward a posture aligned with our values.Read the letter. We often feel neglected by our party leadership.

Staff told CBC News they did not want to harm their party’s chances in the Montreal by-election and were personally delivering the letter to the prime minister to avoid embarrassing ministers they work with. Staff from almost every ministerial office signed the letter.

No one wants to see a Canada with Pierre Poilievre as prime ministerWe read in the letter.

You can’t profit from the work you do at home while sustaining our humanity abroad. As employees, we are caught in a very difficult position, but we have a moral obligation to protect those who cannot protect their own interests.

A quote Excerpt from letter

Staff told CBC News that cabinet ministers who want to see Canada take a stronger stance against the war in Gaza are being overruled by more pro-Israel cabinet members who enjoy the support of the prime minister.

Based on a report by CBC’s Evan Dyer

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